Kahar smiles at the camera
Middlebury Institute Library
(831) 647-3577
Office Hours
Tuesday - Saturday

Kahar started working as a circulation specialist at Middlebury Institute Library at the end of our Fall 2023 semester. He previously served as Library Assistant and Homework Center Coordinator in the Monterey County Free Libraries system for roughly two years before transitioning to his current position.

Born in Nepal, Kahar has visited all seven continents, experiencing a wide range of languages and cultures. His love of traveling and reading have helped him to cultivate a love of diversity that guides his work. He is currently a graduate student at San Jose State University, working toward a master’s degree in library science.

In his spare time, Kahar is often hunched over a fantasy book, fumbling with crochet hooks, or chopping up a storm in the kitchen. If you want a recommendation for a good novel about dragons or a spicy new dinner recipe, just ask!