The Institute is home to a number of innovative and forward-thinking centers and initiatives whose faculty, staff, and graduate students research and develop original approaches to pressing international issues.

Young male student working at a computer.

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies

Devoted to curbing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and dedicated exclusively to graduate education and research.

One World Trade Center

Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism

Researching terrorism and other forms of extremism to inform private, government, and multilateral understanding.

An aerial view of the Monterey Bay including boat harbor, city and hills, with view to the Pacific Ocean beyond

Center for the Blue Economy

Promoting a sustainable ocean and coastal economy (the “Blue Economy”) through leadership in research, education, and analysis. 

MSSR group photo outside

Monterey Initiative in Russian Studies

Enabling students with advanced Russian language skills to professionalize their interest in Russia and Eurasia.

Program Director: Philipp Bleek, Fullbright: Robert Siudak, Graduate Assistant: Elle Zesky

Cyber Collaborative

The Cyber Collaborative is a focal point for activities at the Middlebury Institute that explore the implications of the cyber domain for national and international security and other policy concerns. 

Phil Murphy talks to students

Mixed-Methods Evaluation, Training, and Analysis (META) Lab

The META Lab offers expertise in program evaluation and a range of data analysis tools and applications, meeting the growing need for evidence-based evaluation. Our team provides support, advice, and opportunities for collaboration.

Aerial view of Monterey town


CoLab cultivates relationships between neighboring universities and communities to collaboratively address complex local problems through research, professional development, resource mobilization, and joint action.

Team Tandem participants working on one of our activities

Team Tandem

An intercultural exchange program, connecting Institute Spanish students with English learners in Salinas. 

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Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Female soldier with gun

Monterey Initiative in Russian Studies

Watch exclusive interviews with experts like John Sullivan, US Ambassador to Russia for both the Trump and Biden administrations. Ambassador Sullivan shared his experience during the phase of increasingly tense relations between the United States and Russia that culminated in the February 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

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Experts on Twitter

Read an almost daily ticker of international media coverage featuring Institute experts providing context and commentary.

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