Middlebury Institute Campus
Monterey, CA 93940
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Closed to the Public

The image is a flyer adorned with colorful festive lights, a snowman-shaped cookie and a cup of hot chocolate. The flyer reads as follows: Coffee & Hot Chocolate Bar (Hosted by Student Services). Indulge in the warmth of the season by taking a break from finals with festive drinks, including hot chocolate and freshly brewed coffee. Monday, December 2nd 10am-2pm. Student Services, McCone 220b.

Indulge in the warmth of the season by taking a break from finals with festive drinks, including hot chocolate and freshly brewed coffee. Located at Student Services in McCone 220B on Monday, December 2nd 10am-2pm. See you there!

Sponsored by:
MIIS- Student Affairs

Contact Organizer

Sasha Kingsley