Leo van Lier Lecture with Dr. Maricel Santos
McGowan DLC Design Space (MG001)411 Pacific Street
Monterey, CA 93940 View in Campus Map
Open to the Public
Dr. Santos, MIIS TESOL alum, will deliver a talk titled “An Ecological Look at Language Classrooms and Health Disparities: Reflections on Boundaries, Roadblocks, and Pedagogical Connections.” The talk will explore the following question: What are the factors that promote or limit connections between the social ecosystem of U.S. healthcare and the social/institutional ecosystem of the classroom?
Those who want to participate over Zoom can join at https://middlebury.zoom.us/j/8316473547?pwd=aGwyZjJwQlBRbm9oVzVUQ3dHcFI5Zz09.
- Sponsored by:
- Academic Programs - MIIS
Contact Organizer
ZZ Miis, Vice President's Office