MIMUG - The Proactive PM: Risk Management & Issue Tracking
McCone Irvine AuditoriumMcCone Building
499 Pierce St
Monterey, CA 93940 View in Campus Map
Open to the Public

Risk Management is an integral part of good project management, but rarely applied in localization. A good preparation for things gone bad doesn’t necessarily take as much effort as assumed. The presentation will provide you some basic methods to prepare you and your team on how to handle predictable and unpredictable problems.
Nevertheless, issues do occur, no matter how well you prepare. If addressed properly, the relationship between participating parties (LSP, client) usually is not harmed. However, if issues appear repeatedly, your project and business may be harmed permanently. Let’s discuss how to avoid this with a simple system and process.
Jan Grodecki has experienced localization from different angles, as a client (Microsoft localization engineer and project manager), as educator, and currently from the localization supplier side. In addition to his daily work as a Solutions Architect at RWS-Moravia, Jan has been passing on his knowledge and experience to students and other professionals in the localization industry for several years. In 2016, he received the Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Washington.
Contact Organizer
Max Troyer