McCone Irvine Auditorium
McCone Building
499 Pierce St
Monterey, CA 93940
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Open to the Public

The Allies at MIIS project at the Center for Conflict Studies invites you to a showing of the film “Loving.” The film is based on the 1967 Supreme Court decision that invalidated state laws prohibiting inter-racial marriage when Mildred and Richard Loving took their case to court. After the film, Ann and Fred Jealous will share their personal story of interracial relationships and marriage, one year before the Supreme Court decision. Ann Jealous is the author of “Combining Destinies: Whites Sharing Grief About Racism,” a retired psychotherapist, a life member of the NAACP, and a local activist. Her interracial marriage with Fred Jealous, a teacher and community activist, caused Fred’s family to disown him. Fred is founder of Breakthrough Men’s Community – an education program for men to overcome suppression, self-medication and violence. This event is open to the public. For more information contact Pushpa Iyer at

Contact Organizer

Pushpa Iyer