Clare Margason

I was born and raised in Seattle, and have spent most of my life on the West Coast. I attended Portland State University where I studied music and international studies, and am now living in Monterey, California. I recently completed my first year in the masters of public administration program at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS). Before beginning graduate school I spent six years working with the international community – two years as a case manager and social worker with the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) in Portland, one year as a curriculum developer for a primary education project with the International Youth Foundation in Tanzania, and three years working on alternative education projects that ranged from organic gardening to sport-for-development programming with Sustainable Laos Education Initiatives (SLEI) in Lao P.D.R. I am passionate about social justice and dream of working on youth-focused projects that improve access and equity to and within the world’s health and education systems. I think the field of peace studies and conflict resolution is incredibly important and believe everyone can benefit from studying it, regardless of career or life path. I am very excited for the opportunity to enhance my knowledge and experience in this field and look forward to being part of SPP.​