Headshot of Dawn Whitehead.
McCone Building
(202) 525-3374

Dr. Whitehead’s leadership and teaching interests include curricular transformation, experiential learning, global learning, international education, high-impact practices, service learning, community-based global learning, strategic planning, and education abroad. She continues to hold various academic and administrative appointments, such as the Director of Curriculum Internationalization at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and currently serves as the Vice President of the Office of Global Citizenship for Campus, Community and Careers at the American Association Colleges and Universities. She also held various teaching assignments both at Indiana University Bloomington and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and study abroad teaching assignments at various institutions from 2011 to 2014, most recently being the IUPUI’s Cross-Cultural Education Program in Ghana. She was recently named as an inaugural member of the Institute of International Education’s National Academy for International Education.


Academic Degrees

Ph.D. in Education Policy Studies, 2007, Indiana University Bloomington

Concentration: International and Comparative Education

Minors: African Studies, African American and African Diaspora Studies

M.S. in International and Comparative Education, 2003, Indiana University Bloomington

B.A. in History and Afro-American Studies, 1997, Indiana University Bloomington



Whitehead, D.M. (In press). Reflections on Title VI from a National Perspective. In D. N. Cohn & H.E. Kahn (Eds.), International Education at the Crossroads. Indiana University Press.

Clark Artis, R., Book, C.L., Clinton, J., Lucas, J. Pellow, J. & Whitehead, D.M. (2021, 1 April). Issue Brief on the Importance of Increasing Access to Diversity in International Education and Exchange Programs. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e947e0237a0b6041f0cd80a/t/6064b5b69341cc22bb8a8c08/1617212872956/TIC-WhitePaper_3-21_web.pdf 

Pasquerella, L. & Whitehead, D.M. (2020). Educational Access for Women and Girls as a Social Justice Issue: Ghana as a Case Study. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers, A.B. Stood, & M.D. Wiest (Eds.), Social Justice for Children and Young People: International Perspectives (pp. 91-105). Cambridge

Whitehead, D.M. & Deardorff, D. (2020). Expanding the Perceptions and Realities of Global Learning: Connecting Disciplines through Integrative Global Learning and Assessment. In N. Namaste & A. Sturgill (Eds.), Mind the Gap (pp. 151-162). Stylus

Bozeman, L., Whitehead, D.M., Deardorff, D., & Lutz, G. (2019). Evolving Practices in the Development and Assessment of Global Learning. In S. Hundley & S. Kahn (eds.), Trends in Assessment: Ideas, Opportunities, and Issues for Higher Education, Stylus.

Whitehead, D.M. (2019) Engaging in Powerful Community-Based Global Learning. Global Studies Literature Review. Washington, DC: NAFSA: Association of International Educators.

Whitehead, D.M. (2018). Making Education Abroad a High-Impact Practice. The Global Impact Exchange: A Quarterly Publication of Diversity Abroad. Fall ed., 33-35.

Whitehead, D.M. (Ed.). (2016). Essential Global Learning. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges & Universities.

Whitehead, D.M. (2015). Global learning: Key to Making Excellence Inclusive. Liberal Education, 101(3), 6-13.

Whitehead, D.M. (2015). Global Service Learning: Addressing the Big Challenges. Diversity & Democracy, 18(3), 8-11.

Price, M.F., Hatcher, J.A., Whitehead, D.M., & Lutz, G. (2015). Using a Partnership Approach in Study Abroad: Implications and Strategies for Program Design and Assessment. Impacts on Host Communities, edited by V. Savicki and E. Brewer. Sterling: Stylus.

Khaja, K., Thorington Springer, J., Bigattai, S., Sanchez Gibau, G., & Whitehead, D.M., Grove, K. (2011). Multicultural Teaching: Barriers and Recommendations. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching.

Frey, C.J. & Whitehead, D.M. (2009). United States: Citizenship Education Curriculum and the Global Turn. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 2.

Patton, L.D., Morelon, C., Whitehead, D.M., Hossler, D. (2006). Campus-Based Retention Initiatives: Does the Emperor Have Clothes?. New Directions for Institutional Research, 130, 9-24.

Whitehead, D.M. (2004). Africa: The End of Colonial Rule, Nationalism and Decolonization [Review of the book The End of Colonial Rule, Nationalism and Decolonization.] Journal of African and Asian Studies, 3 (3-4), 343-344.

Whitehead, D.M. (2004). Japan and Britain in the Contemporary World [Review of the book Japan and Britain in the Contemporary World: Responses to Common Issues.] Journal of African and Asian Studies, 3 (1), 95-96.