Diana Paz Garcia

I am an international student from Mexico City at Macalester College majoring in Political Science and International Studies with a concentration in Human Rights and Humanitarianism. Ever since a young age I was interested in international dispute and conflict resolution. This passion of my mine was only accentuated once I discovered Model of United Nations. Ever since, my goal has become to one day work in an international organization to participate in the construction of sustainable inclusive peace. In December 2018, along with a friend I created the initiative Nuestra Paz that seeks to integrate young people in the Mexican Peace Process. Moreover, I am currently, along with Dr. Eric S. Mosinger, writing a piece on the “Comparing the Diffusion of Violent and Nonviolent Frames during Civil Resistance Campaigns” based on the data set we built under the framework of The Nonviolent and Violent Campaigns and Outcomes (NAVCO) Data Project. Furthermore, I represented my country at the United Nations Youth Assembly in NYC last February and I am part of the organizing team for my school’s Pi Sigma Alpha chapter.