Hideko Russell
Associate Professor; Program Head, Japanese Translation and Interpretation

- Office
- McCone Building M122
- Tel
- (831) 647-4621
- hrussell@middlebury.edu
Russell began her career as a freelance translator and interpreter in Tokyo in 1992. She worked in a wide range of fields, including semiconductor, IT, medicine, architecture, education, tourism, and others. After relocating to Monterey, her focus has been on translation, specializing in non-fiction books, academic papers, business, technical, medical, and educational documents. In recent years, she has completed Japanese translations of Rachel Laudan’s Cuisine and Empire, Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken, and David Neiwert’s Strawberry Days: How Internment Destroyed a Japanese American Community.
Areas of Interest
What I enjoy most about teaching at the Institute is that in addition to sharing my passion for translation with my students, I can also learn from them and be challenged by them. I strive to create a classroom environment where we can all contribute, as I believe each student brings an invaluable perspective to our discussions. Our students range from new college graduates to experienced translators/interpreters, and I love interacting with all of them, thanks to our very low student-faculty ratio. Evaluating and discussing my students’ work enables me to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and I feel very fortunate to be able to help them grow into successful translators.
Academic Degrees
- MA in Translation and Interpretation (English-Japanese), Monterey Institute of International Studies
- BA in English Literature, University of Sacred Heart, Japan
Professor Russell has been teaching at the Institute since 2005.
- Japanese translation of Laura Lynne Jackson’s The Light Between Us.『魂の呼び声に耳をすまして』(早川書房、2017年).
- Japanese translation of Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken.『不屈の男アンブロークン』(角川書店、2016年).
- Japanese translation of Rachel Laudan’s Cuisine and Empire.『料理と帝国――食文化の世界史 紀元前2万年から現代まで』(みすず書房、2016年).
- Japanese translation of Dale Maharidge and Michael Williamson’s Someplace Like America.『繁栄からこぼれ落ちたもうひとつのアメリカ――果てしない貧困と闘う「ふつう」の人たちの30年の記録』(ダイヤモンド社、2013年).
- Japanese translation of David Neiwert’s Strawberry Days: How Internment Destroyed A Japanese American Community. 『ストロベリー・デイズ――日系アメリカ人強制収容の記憶』(みすず書房、2013年).
- 翻訳「革命」期における翻訳者養成:公開シンポジウムの報告と今後の取り組み (立教大学大学院異文化コミュニケーション研究科、2013) . URL: https://www2.rikkyo.ac.jp/web/ti-rikkyo/pdf/Kakumei_report.pdf
- Russell, Hideko, and Takeda, Kayoko. “Translation thesis”: Its Aims and Methods (Japanese title: “修士論文としての翻訳:その意義と方法”). Invitation to Translation Studies (翻訳研究への招待) 8 (2012): 23-38. URL: http://honyakukenkyu.sakura.ne.jp/shotai_vol8/02_vol8-Takeda_Russel.pdf
- Japanese translation of Michael Pollan’s Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual.『フード・ルール : 人と地球にやさしいシンプルな食習慣64』(東洋経済新報社、2010年).
- Japanese translation of Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals.『雑食動物のジレンマ: ある4つの食事の自然史』 (東洋経済新報社、2009年).
- Japanese translation of Johann Bruyneel’s We Might As Well Win: On the Road to Success with the Mastermind Behind Eight Tour de France Victories.『ツールドフランス勝利の礎』(アメリカンブック&シネマ、2008年).