Photo of Kailas Kokare

I grew up in a rural village in India and I am currently studying at Wartburg College in the United States. I have one brother and one sister. I come from a shepherd community and my parents are farmers. After my primary school, I studied and lived in a boarding school because there were no schools in my village. After my 10th grade I was selected to attend United World College of Adriatic, Italy (UWC). I am currently studying Philosophy, International Relations, and Peace and Justice Studies. I am also Resident Assistant (RA) and involved in multiple student organizations. I am a member of Wartburg Cross Country and Track & Field Team. I like to write poems, travel, enjoy local foods, watch movies, and run. One of the most important experience that had impacted on my life is spending 2 years at UWC Adriatic, Italy. I am interested in world politics, peace & justice, conflict resolution, and intercultural/ interfaith dialogue. The UWC experience changed my view to look at the world. I became very positive and a supporter of the diversity that our world has to offer. Most importantly, I learnt that despite the globalization and rise of radical extremism the world community can live together peacefully by creating environment that teaches to respect diversity and human dignity. As a future career, I want to work with United Nations on conflict resolution.