Patrick (Pat) Johnston
Data Manager, Center for the Blue Economy

- Office
- Craig Building CR-12, but mostly remote
- Tel
- (831) 647-4191
Pat Johnston is the Data Manager at the Center for the Blue Economy, managing and updating the huge repository of free, publicly available resources of the National Ocean Economics Program (NOEP). The NOEP provides information on ocean-related economic activities and resource trends to government, business, and individuals to assist with investment and management decisions, with a goal to balance conservation and growth in coastal areas. NOEP was a foundational component of the Center for the Blue Economy, and Pat worked with the NOEP team prior to the creation of the Center. He joined NOEP in 2003 as Information Systems Manager, responsible for all database and website development and operations. Since then, Pat has added significantly to the size and scope of the NOEP offerings, including new databases, website querying functionality, and data download capabilities.
Before joining NOEP, Pat was a software consultant, developing interactive information systems for Silicon Valley corporations and Stanford University. He has also taught computer programming and data processing at California junior colleges.
Pat has a BA degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of West Florida. His background has been very useful for analyzing economic data and producing tables and graphs for NOEP publications.