Primary Signatories: Ocean Climate Action Plan

Below is the growing list of over 150 influential people, organizations, and policy makers supporting the Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP). Take action and join our Ocean Climate Action Mailing List to keep connected to the movement!
Ocean Climate Action Plan
Primary Signatories as of July 21, 2021
Ms. Katherine Abbott, President & CEO, Boston Harbor Now |
Mr. Tobias Aguirre, Chief Executive Officer, FishWise |
The Honorable W. Ron Allen, Tribal Council Chairman, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe |
Ms. Maribel Andonian, Co-Lead, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Monterey County Chapter |
Mr. Glenn A. Arthur (1955-2020), Chairman, New Jersey Council of Diving Clubs |
Dr. Mimi Larsen Becker, Associate Professor Emerita, Environmental Science, Policy & Management, University of New Hampshire |
Ms. Wendy Benchley, Ocean Conservationist |
Mr. Ken Berlin, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Climate Reality Project |
Ms. Angel Braestrup, Board Member, The Ocean Foundation |
Ms. Peg Brandon, President, Sea Education Association and SEA Semester |
Dr. Robert D. Bullard, Co-Chair of the National Black Environmental Justice Network (NBEJN) |
Ms. Laura Cantral, Executive Director, Coastal Conservation League |
The Honorable Roderick Carlson, President, Chignik Bay Tribal Council |
Mr. Graham Casden, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Ocean First Education |
Ms. Susan Casey, Author, Journalist, and Ocean Advocate |
Ms. Laura Cassiani, Executive Director, Mission Blue |
Mr. Don Côqayohômuwôk Chapman, President, Uncas Consulting Group; Former Tribal Liaison, White House National Ocean Council |
Ms. Linda Charles, Co-Lead, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Monterey County Chapter |
Ms. Martha Collins Esq., President, Collins Law Group |
Mr. Michael Conathan, Executive Director, Aspen High Seas Initiative |
Mr. James Conaway, Author |
Ms. Ashlan Cousteau & Mr. Philippe Cousteau, Filmmakers, Authors & Explorers |
Mr. Trammell S. Crow, Founder, Earth X |
Dr. Benjamin E. Cuker, Professor of Marine and Environmental Science, Hampton University |
Mr. Robert Davis, Founder of Seaside, Florida |
Dr. Jeff Dayton-Johnson, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Institute, Middlebury Institute of International Studies |
Dr. Serge Dedina, Co-Founder and Executive Director, WildCoast |
The Honorable Bruce Carlos Delgado, Mayor, City of Marina |
Ms. Mia DeMezza, Executive Director, EarthEcho International |
Mr. Vipe Desai, Founding Member of the Business Alliance for Protecting the Pacific Coast |
Ms. Rebecca Dmytryk, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Emergency Services |
Mr. Steve Dubiel, Executive Director, EarthCorps |
Dr. Sylvia Earle, Explorer-in-Residence, National Geographic; Founder, Sylvia Earle Alliance |
Dr. Stephen F. Eisenman, Director of Strategy, Anthropocene Alliance |
Ms. Daniela Fernandez, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Ocean Alliance |
Mr. Doug Fetterly, Former Chair, Marine Team, Sierra Club |
Ms. Jane Fonda, Actor and Climate Activist |
Dr. James W. Fourqurean, Distinguished University Professor; Director, Coastlines and Oceans Division, Institute of Environment, Florida International University |
Dr. Jed Fuhrman, McCulloch-Crosby Chair in Marine Biology and Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California |
Dr. Melissa Garren, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Working Ocean Strategies |
Professor Dina Gilio-Whitaker, American Indian Studies, California State University, San Marcos |
Ms. Vicki Nichols Goldstein, Founder and Executive Director, Inland Ocean Coalition |
Ms. Sheri Goodman, former U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security); former President and CEO of the Consortium for Ocean Leadership; former Senior Vice President and General Counsel of CNA (Center for Naval Analyses) |
Dr. Michael Graham, Professor; Co-Managing Editor, Journal of Phycology; Director of Research and Development, Center for Aquaculture, Moss Landing Marine Labs |
Dr. Charles H. Greene, Professor Emeritus and Director, Ocean Resources and Ecosystems Program, Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University; Ocean Visions Fellow, Ocean Visions Leadership Team |
Dr. Gary Griggs, Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz |
Dr. Carla Guenther, Chief Scientist, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries |
Mr. Mark Haver, Chair of the Youth Policy Advisory Council, Sustainable Ocean Alliance |
Mr. Daniel Hayden, President and Chief Executive Officer, Restore America’s Estuaries |
Mr. Randy Hayes, Founder, Rainforest Action Network, Executive Director Foundation Earth |
John Hocevar, Oceans Campaign Director, Greenpeace |
The Honorable Jared Huffman, Member of Congress (CA-02) |
Mr. Ryan W. Hunt, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer, ALGIX/BLOOM |
Ms. Linda Hunter, Founder and Director, Wild Oyster Project |
Dr. Bonnie D. Irwin, Chancellor, University of Hawai’i at Hilo |
Dr. Wallace J. Nichols. Marine biologist and author of Blue Mind |
Mr. Jeremy Jackson Professor of Oceanography Emeritus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
Ms. Mary G. Jameson, Ocean Conservationist |
Mr. Phillip Johnson, Executive Director, Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition; founder and former director, CoastWatch |
Ellie S. Jones, Founder and Executive Director, Everblue |
Dr. Steven H. Kaplan, President, University of New Haven |
Mr. Bob Keefe, Executive Director, E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) |
Dr. Brendan Kelly, Executive Director, Study for Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH), Center for the Blue Economy Senior Fellow |
The Honorable Secretary John F. Kerry, Visiting Distinguished Statesman, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
Dr. Harvey Kesselman, President, Stockton University |
The Honorable Billy Keyserling, Mayor, City of Beufort, South Carolina |
Pradeep K. Khosla, Chancellor, University of California San Diego |
Dr. Judith Kildow, Founder and Director Emeritus, National Ocean Economics Program, Center for the Blue Economy, Middlebury Inst. of Intl. Studies |
Dr. Geraldine Knatz, Professor, University of Southern California; Former Executive Director, Port of Los Angeles |
Dr. Nancy Knowlton, Author, Citizens of the Sea |
Dr. Thomas W. Krise, President, University of Guam; Vice Chair, Guam Council on Climate Change Preparedness and Resiliency |
The Honorable John Laird, California State Senator (CA-17), Former California Secretary for Natural Resources |
Dr. Cynthia Larive, Chancellor, University of California Santa Cruz |
Mr. R.J. Lehmann, Director of Finance, Insurance and Trade Policy, R Street Institute |
Dr. Xingen Lei, Professor, Cornell University |
Dr. Charles Lester, Director, Ocean & Coastal Policy Center, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Mr. David Levine, Co-Founder and President, American Sustainable Business Council |
Mr. Kurt Lieber, Founder and Executive Director, Ocean Defenders Alliance |
Dr. James Lindholm, James W. Rote Distinguished Professor of Marine Science & Policy & Chair, Department of Marine Science. California State University Monterey Bay |
Ms. Pam Longobardi, Distinguished University Professor of Art, Georgia State University, Atlanta; Regents’ Professor, Board of Regents, State of Georgia |
Mr. Tony MacDonald, Director, Monmouth University, Urban Coast Institute and Former Executive Director, Coastal States Organization |
Barbara and Greg MacGillivray, Founders of One World One Ocean Campaign and Owners of MacGillivray Freeman Films |
Mr. Peter Macy, Chief Business Officer, Blue Ocean Gear, Inc. |
Mr. Mark Magaña, Founding President & Chief Executive Officer, GreenLatinos |
Dr. Edward Maibach, MPH, PhD, Distinguished University Professor, Director, Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University |
Mr. Jonah Margulis, Senior Vice President, U.S. Operations, Aker Offshore Wind U.S.A. LLC. |
Ms. Jennifer Marlow, Assistant Professor, Humboldt State University, and Co-Executive Director, Three Degrees Warmer. |
Mr. Mike Maturo, Founder of Green Earth |
Mr. Bill McKibben, Author, Educator, Environmentalist, and Founder of |
Dr. Sunshine Menezes, Clinical Associate Professor of Environmental Communication and Executive Director of Metcalf Institute, University of Rhode Island |
The Honorable John A. Miller, Mayor, Fernandina Beach, Florida |
Joseph Otis Minott, Esq., Executive Director and Chief Counsel, Clean Air Council |
Ms. Christina Mittermeier, Founder, Sea Legacy |
Dr. Rob Moir, Executive Director Ocean River Institute |
The Honorable Bill Monning, former California State Senator (CA-17) |
Dr. Lance Morgan, President, Marine Conservation Institute |
Mr. Bill Mott, Executive Director, The Ocean Project |
Dr. Chad Nelsen, Chief Executive Officer, Surfrider Foundation |
Mr. Paul Nicklen, Founder, Sea Legacy |
Dr. Karina Nielsen, Executive Director, Estuary and Ocean Science Center and Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University; Executive Committee Member, California State University Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST) |
Mr. Frank Nutter, President, Reinsurance Association of America |
Dr. Dave Oakes, Co-Founder, Co-Director, and President, Center for Ecological Living and Learning (CELL) |
Dr. Eduardo M. Ochoa, President California State University Monterey Bay |
Ms. Katherine O’Dea, Executive Director, Save Our Shores |
Ms. Tamara Toles O’Laughlin, advocate for people and planet, North America Director, |
The Honorable Marc R. Pacheco, State Senator, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Founding Chair of the Senate Committee on Global Warming & Climate Change |
Ms. Barbara Page, Co-founder, Anthropocene Institute |
The Honorable James V. (Jimmy) Panetta, Member of Congress (CA-20) |
Mr. Leon E. Panetta, Chairman, The Panetta Institute for Public Policy and Former Secretary of Defense |
Ms. Supriya Patel, Co-founder and Partnerships Coordinator, Earth Uprising |
Dr. Laurie Patton, President, Middlebury College |
Margo Pellegrino, Long distance Paddler and Ocean Activist |
Mr. Mark Perry, Executive Director, Florida Oceanographic Institute |
Dr. Ellen K. Pikitch, Endowed Professor of Ocean Conservation Science and Executive Director, Institute for Ocean Conservation Science, Stony Brook University, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences |
Ms. Marina Porto, Co-Chair of the Youth Policy Advisory Council, Sustainable Ocean Alliance |
Dr. Ellen Prager, President, Earth2Ocean Inc. |
Mr. Louie Psihoyos, Executive Director, Oceanic Preservation Society |
Dr. Nancy Rabalais, MacArthur Fellow 2012 |
John Racanelli, President & Chief Executive Officer, National Aquarium |
Dr. Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Professor and Director, Fisheries Economics Research Unit, Institute for Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia |
Dr. Drew Richardson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Professional Association of Diving Instructors |
Mr. Jeremy Rifkin, President, Foundation on Economic Trends |
Ms. Tamara Rose Roske, Founder and Executive Director, Earth Guardians |
Mr. Blayne Ross, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Shorelock |
Mr. Sean Russell, Founder and Director, Youth Ocean Conservation Summit; Associate Director of Youth Engagement & Partnerships, EarthEcho International |
Ms. Daniella Russo, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Think Beyond Plastic Foundation and Think Beyond Innovation Accelerator; Associate Professor, Middlebury Institute of Intl. Studies |
Mr. Enric Sala, Marine Ecologist, Explorer-in-Residence, National Geographic and Founder of National Geographic’s Pristine Seas project |
Ms. Shari Sant Plummer, Founder and President, Code Blue Foundation |
Ms. Cyn Sarthou, Executive Director, Healthy Gulf |
Mr. David Schwartz, President and Owner of Schwartz and Associates Landscape Architecture |
Mr. Paul Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer, Better Meat Company |
Dr. William F. Sharpe, Professor of Finance Emeritus, Stanford University |
Dr. Joy Leilei Shih, Chair, National Marine Team, Sierra Club |
Dr. A.R. Siders, Assistant Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration, Department of Geography; Core Faculty Member, Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware |
Mr. Brian Skerry, Photographer, National Geographic |
Mr. Bren Smith, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Greenwave; Founder and Owner, Thimble Island Oyster Company |
Mr. Mark J. Spalding, President, The Ocean Foundation |
Dr. Richard W. (Rick) Spinrad: Former Chief Scientist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Professor, Oregon State University |
Ms. Skye Steritz, Water Protector & Regional Liaison , Native Conservancy |
Dr. Leah Stokes, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara |
The Honorable Mark Stone, California State Assemblymember (CA-29) |
Tom Swan, Executive Director, Connecticut Citizen Action Group |
Dr. David Tapley, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Salem State University |
Mr. Bill Taylor, Vice President, Taylor Shellfish |
Ms. Liz Taylor Chief Executive Officer, DOER Marine |
Mr. Chris Tellis, Owner and Harbor Master, Yellow Ferry Harbor, Sausalito, CA; Co-Founder, Antenna Audio; President, Embarcadero Financial Corporation; General Partner of Interest; Income Partners |
Ms. Hannah Testa, Sustainability Advocate, International Speaker and Founder of Hannah4Change |
Mr. Nainoa Thompson, President, Polynesian Voyaging Society |
Dr. Brian Tissot, Director, Humboldt Marine and Coastal Science Institute and Marine Laboratory, Humbolt State University |
Mr. Jim Toomey, Creator & Cartoonist, Sherman’s Lagoon |
Mr. Thomas Townsend, Thomas Townsend Custom Marine Woodworking |
Mr. Dwaign Tyndal, Executive Director, Alternatives for Community and Environment (ACE) |
Joe Uehlein, Founder and President, Labor Network for Sustainability |
Captain Don Walsh USN (ret), PhD, Oceanographer and Explorer |
Ms. Briana Warner, Chief Executive Officer, Atlantic Sea Farms |
Mr. Robert Weissman, President, Public Citizen |
Ms. Caitlin Werrell, Co-Founder, The Council on Strategic Risks and The Center for Climate and Security |
Dr. Rob Wilder, businessman, environmental activist, and academic; CEO & Founder of Wildershares, LLC; Manager, WilderHill Clean Energy Index |
Ms. Cortney Koenig Worrall, President and Chief Executive Officer, Waterfront Alliance |
Wyland, Marine Life Artist |
Mr. Marc Yaggi, Executive Director, Waterkeeper Alliance |