New MA in Localization Project Management Learn More

Descriptions of the courses in the Localization Technology and Process Management learning path for nondegree Translation and Localization Management students.

Course List

Translation Technology

Through hands-on practice, learn to use features of translation environment tools and Computer Assisted Translation tools like Trados Studio to create translation memory, reuse previous translations, manage terminology, perform quality assurance, review translations, customize segmentation and filters, and test localizability according to best practices. Also learn appropriate uses for machine translation in post-editing and pre-editing workflows.

Data Security for Localization

Learn the physical means of securing data, how encryption standards work, how to transfer information securely to your client or to your LSP, and investigate the legal documents in place that could land you in trouble.

Advanced Translation Technology

Building upon the foundation established in Introduction to Translation Technology, explore TMSs (translation management systems), as well as translation environments that involve an MT (machine translation) component. Learn to train a machine translation engine for a specific domain.

Terminology Management

Learn about terminology theory, the basic principles and methods of terminology work, best practices for recording and disseminating terminology, and strategies for employing consistent terminology throughout products and services.

Localization Sales and Solutions Development

Learn how to utilize authentic sales methodologies and concepts common to the industry for diagnosing localization needs and how to match those needs with relevant services. Uncover fundamentals of buyer behavior, localization maturity modeling, selling tactics as well as “solutions development.”

AI for Localization Management

Gain an introduction to AI, NLP, Deep Learning/Big Data, the business of data, and some of its key topics and discuss the importance of Ethics in AI, particularly as it relates to language.

Social Localization and Translation Crowdsourcing

By studying organizations that have implemented community translation and crowdsourcing as well as participating in projects, learn about volunteer management and motivation, quality control, appropriate translation management technologies, and workflow combinations with machine translation and professional translation.