June Challenge Brings Record Number of Gifts, Capping Successful Year
Scholarships for students, immersive learning opportunities, faculty development, research support, and campus improvements are among the many Middlebury Institute initiatives expected to benefit from one of the most successful years of fundraising in the school’s 61-year history. In the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2016, the Institute raised more than $4.2 million, a total driven by its second highest number of individual donors ever.
The annual June challenge—staked by four alumni who collectively pledged $56,000—played an important role in these results, generating a record 412 gifts for the month of June totaling $156,000. Combined with the alumni donors who put up the challenge, this effort alone netted $212,000 for the Institute and boosted giving and participation totals significantly.
“We are deeply grateful for the generosity of every donor who gave to the Institute this year,” said Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Institute Jeff Dayton-Johnson. “Institute alumni, friends, board members, staff, and students all understand the value and importance of supporting the aspirations of the next generation of global change-makers. The Institute would not be where it is today without your support.”
More than 85 percent of Middlebury Institute students receive some form of financial aid to support their education, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study funding.
For more information about making a gift to the Middlebury Institute, please visit the Ways to Give page.
For More Information
Jason Warburg
Eva Gudbergsdottir