New CNS Report Recommends Strategies for Rekindling U.S.-Russian Negotiation on Tactical Nuclear Weapons
A new report prepared by leading experts at the Monterey Institute’s James Martin Center or Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) recommends that the United States and Russia “agree to exchange data about their respective tactical nuclear arsenals in Europe as a step toward hastening the process of removing the weapons.” The report, “Reducing and Regulating Tactical (Nonstrategic) Nuclear Weapons in Europe,” was authored by CNS Director William Potter and CNS colleagues Miles Pomper and Nikolai Sokov at the request of Finland’s Foreign Affairs Ministry.
“Given the longstanding deadlock, new approaches are needed to jump-start serious negotiations,” states the report, which was covered today by Global Security Newswire, a service of the National Journal.
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Jason Warburg
Eva Gudbergsdottir