Spotlight on Domestic Nuclear Safety Leads National Media to CNS Experts
The state of emergency caused by a series of failures at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan after the massive earthquake and huge tsunami of March 11 has led to a serious re-examination of safety issues at nuclear power facilities in the United States. Many local and media outlets have turned to the experts at the Monterey Institute’s James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) for comments and opinions. Following are some notable examples:
On March 22, CBS Evening News with Katie Couric featured Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, Director of the CNS East Asia Nonproliferation Program in the story “States Demand Nuclear Waste Reform.”
On March 22, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published the article Japan’s Nuclear Crisis: The fine line between security and insecurity by CNS senior research associate Miles A. Pomper.
On March 22, Americas Radio News Network interviewed Dr. Patricia Lewis, Deputy Director of CNS and scientist-in-residence, for the second time since the disaster asking her to shed a light on the dangerous situation in Japan as well as possible dangers the United States.
On March 19, the most emailed article on was about reaction in the U.S. to the nuclear crisis in Japan featuring a comment from Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, a CNS research scientist.
On March 18, China´s decision to halt construction on new nuclear power plants pending additional security reviews was the topic of discussion on NPR´s popular morning show Morning Edition. Dr. Jeffrey Lewis was interviewed about the prospects of nuclear power in the U.S. and elsewhere.
For More Information
Jason Warburg
Eva Gudbergsdottir