Winter Commencement at MIIS Celebrates 90 Graduates from 12 Countries
At the Winter Commencement ceremony on Saturday, outgoing president Sunder Ramaswamy shared some of the lessons he has learned during his six year tenure. First of all, he said, “the faculty and staff of this Institute genuinely care.” He went on to explain that when any student or graduate of MIIS succeeds, we all celebrate, and when any student or graduate of MIIS is lost, we all mourn. In many ways, we are like a family.
Ramaswamy told the ninety-strong graduating class that the world needs their idealism and commitment and unique talents more than ever. “By working hard these past two years, you have gained the skills you will need to bridge cultures and build the alliances that will bring us another step closer to peace and prosperity and wise stewardship of our planet.”
Hailing from 12 countries, the graduates came from all corners of the world, from Canada and Croatia, Korea and Iran, Boise and Baton Rouge. “A pretty normal group for Monterey,” said Ramaswamy “but remarkably international by most standards.” Their families and friends celebrated their achievements with a champagne reception at the Samson Student Center on a beautiful California winter afternoon.
For More Information
Jason Warburg
Eva Gudbergsdottir