Heekyeong Lee
McCone Building M109
(831) 647-6427

Dr. Heekyeong Lee is a Professor of the MATESOL/MATFL Program and teaches courses such as Principles and Practices of Language Teaching, Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics Research, Pedagogical Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching, and Applied Linguistics Capstone. She has also taught Public Speaking and Academic Writing for international Fulbright scholars pursuing graduate degrees in American universities. 

Before joining the Institute in 2009, Professor Lee she worked as a language teacher and a language teacher educator in various linguistic, cultural, and professional environments. She began her career in Korea as a high school English teacher. In Canada, she was responsible for the in-service teacher training (43 different foreign languages) for the Canadian Foreign Service. She also worked as an English instructor as well as a tester at the University of L’Aquila in Italy following the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). After moving to the U.S., she worked as an English Teacher for the Family Literacy Program at the University Settlement Society of New York, as well as teaching academic listening and speaking skills for international students at the College of Saint Elizabeth in Morristown, New Jersey. She is co-author (with H. Douglas Brown) of the fourth edition of the widely acclaimed text Teaching by Principles (Pearson Education, 2015).

Currently, with Dr. H. D. Brown she is working on another major book – the 7th edition of a long-standing textbook on second language acquisition (SLA) and pedagogy, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (PLLT) (Pearson Education).

Courses Taught

Course Description

Editing Writing is a course in structural, stylistic, and copy-editing which will help you develop the necessary tools to revise and edit your own writing. We will use short papers from this class and longer papers from your other classes to sharpen your editing skills.

Terms Taught

Fall 2021 - MIIS

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Course Description

Principles & Practices in Language Teaching 1

Along with Principles and Practices 2, this course provides students with a foundational pedagogical training in preparation for careers in foreign/second language teaching. Topics covered include an introduction to the field and its expectations, course/syllabus design, needs assessment, and unit design. Students will engage in a variety of real-world performance tasks, such as creating needs assessment instruments, summative language assessments, and unit plans. Students will also deepen their understanding of course concepts by conducting classroom observations.

Terms Taught

Fall 2021 - MIIS, Fall 2022 - MIIS, Fall 2024 - MIIS

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Course Description

Principles & Practices in Language Teaching 2

Along with Principles and Practices 1, this course provides students with a foundational pedagogical training in preparation for careers in foreign/second language teaching. Topics covered include (but are not limited to) skills-based lesson planning, authentic texts use, summative and formative assessment, differentiation, classroom discussion strategies, and oral corrective feedback. Students will engage in a variety of real-world performance tasks, such as creating curricular documents (e.g., unit plans, lesson plans, assessments) and performing teaching events.

Terms Taught

Spring 2023 - MIIS

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Course Description

This course is designed to equip second language (L2) educators with practical knowledge and skills needed for effective L2 reading and writing instructions in various educational contexts including preK-12, community college & university, and immigrant & refugee education. The course (1) explores major theoretical underpinnings of current approaches to L2 literacy education, (2) examines multimodality in various reading and writing materials in synchronous and asynchronous written communication, and (3) introduces tools and strategies for planning and designing meaningful reading and writing instruction in both in person and online classrooms. At the end of the course, students will be able to:

· Articulate core issues in current L2 literacy theory and research development in reading and writing pedagogy

· Select and assess authentic materials for L2 reading and writing instruction

· Design and implement effective reading and writing lessons

· Plan and develop appropriate assessment instruments for evaluating learning outcomes

This course can be taken for either 2 or 3 credits depending on the individual student’s needs and/or course load.

Terms Taught

Spring 2021 - MIIS

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Course Description

Terms Taught

Fall 2022 - MIIS

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Course Description

This seminar provides language teachers with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the challenges of becoming language teacher supervisors. It examines current models of, and research on, language teacher supervision. Students practice observing teachers and conducting post-observation conferences, developing their ability to provide professional feedback, differentiate between evaluative and developmental supervision, and examine the variables related to working with teachers in a variety of specific contexts.

Terms Taught

Spring 2024 - MIIS

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Course Description

The Practicum Capstone combines reflective practice and professional development in preparing students for a career in language education. Participants integrate theory, research, and conceptual foundations into a coherent and well-informed approach to planning and executing lessons. They also incorporate these three components when developing and deploying instructional materials and assessment instruments. Activities and products prepare participants for entering the language teaching professional and performing admirably therein.

Practicum Capstone Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

Articulate their approach to language learning and teaching with explicit reference to sound pedagogical principles

Demonstrate their expert knowledge of language, learning, and teaching

Select appropriate materials for effective language instruction

Plan productive instructional units and lessons to maximize second language learning in all skill areas

Assess student learning meaningfully using a range of formative and summative tools

Reflect critically on their teaching practice in order to build on their strengths and address areas for improvement

Terms Taught

Fall 2022 - MIIS, Fall 2024 - MIIS

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Course Description

This course is designed to provide teachers of different languages with opportunities to investigate and practice pedagogical subject matter knowledge and grammar teaching strategies in the language that they teach. There will be a number of different languages represented in the class, which will afford multiple opportunities to explore, investigate, and share a variety of pedagogical perspectives and linguistic experiences.

The course will combine a focus on recent theoretical approaches to grammar (cognitive grammar, construction grammar, systemic – functional grammar) with innovative and practical approaches to teaching and learning in an authentic, action-based and interaction-rich setting.

Terms Taught

Spring 2021 - MIIS, Spring 2022 - MIIS

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Course Description

Terms Taught

Fall 2022 - MIIS, Spring 2023 - MIIS

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Course Description

Surveys, in seminar format, research in second-language learning relating to language teaching and learning. Discusses the role of affective variables, interaction, learner strategies, and learner factors in the language acquisition process. Prerequisite: Language Analysis

Terms Taught

Spring 2021 - MIIS, Spring 2022 - MIIS, Spring 2023 - MIIS, Spring 2024 - MIIS, Spring 2025 - MIIS

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Course Description

The Applied Linguistics Capstone is designed to help TESOL/TFL students refine their skills as applied linguistics professionals. Course participants will develop either a curriculum project, a, empirical research report, or an assessment tool, using original data that they have collected and analyzed. The course also aims to induce students to reflect on their previous coursework, as well as explore and clarify their future plans for careers as language teaching professionals.

Applied Linguistics Capstone Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

Understand processes of inquiry relevant to language education

Plan research activities for designing curriculum and language instruction, assessment, or empirical investigation

Execute data collection procedures

Analyze data using appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods

Synthesize and report findings clearly, convincingly, and creatively for a professional audience

Apply research skills in educational settings

Terms Taught

Fall 2021 - MIIS, Fall 2022 - MIIS, Spring 2024 - MIIS, Fall 2024 - MIIS

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Course Description

Terms Taught

Spring 2022 - MIIS

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Course Description

Principles & Practices of Language Teaching I
Along with Principles and Practices 2, this course provides students with a foundational pedagogical training in preparation for careers in foreign/second language teaching. Topics covered include an introduction to the field and its expectations, course/syllabus design, needs assessment, and unit design. Students will engage in a variety of real-world performance tasks, such as creating needs assessment instruments, summative language assessments, and unit plans. Students will also deepen their understanding of course concepts by conducting classroom observations. The dates of this course are SEPTEMBER 6 through DECEMBER 16. Registering for this course signals your interest in taking the course. You will be notified via email on August 21 whether you can officially enroll in the course.

Terms Taught

Fall 2021, MIIS courses in College Term

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Course Description

Pedagogical Grammar in FLT
"This course is designed to provide teachers of different languages with opportunities to investigate and practice pedagogical subject matter knowledge and grammar teaching strategies in the language that they teach. There will be a number of different languages represented in the class, which will afford multiple opportunities to explore, investigate, and share a variety of pedagogical perspectives and linguistic experiences.
The course will combine a focus on recent theoretical approaches to grammar (cognitive grammar, construction grammar, systemic – functional grammar) with innovative and practical approaches to teaching and learning in an authentic, action-based and interaction-rich setting." (Open to Junior and Seniors only) (Open to students who have taken Language Analysis or equivalent, you must contact Kathi Bailey from Monterey (kb@middlebury.edu) for review of MIDD course background.) ​The dates of this course are JANUARY 31 through MAY 20. Registering for this course signals your interest in taking the course.

Terms Taught

Spring 2021, Spring 2021, MIIS courses in College Term, Spring 2022, MIIS courses in College Term

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Course Description

What is "language"? Why is it difficult to learn and teach? In this fully asynchronous course, we will examine various aspects of language, such as its sound system, lexical system, morphosyntactic structures, as well as pragmatic and discourse features. Activities will include readings, discussions, and exercises designed to explore how these language systems function and what we, as teachers, can do in the classroom to help our learners engage with them successfully. Upon completion of the course, you will have the skills to analyze language components, select level- and context-appropriate learning objectives and instructional strategies, and provide a range of authentic materials to demonstrate to your learners how language is used. You will demonstrate your learning by conducting a language analysis project and compiling language resources to guide your teaching. Students pursuing the online MA TESOL must complete this course along with the other seven core courses before they can register for the two capstone courses.

Terms Taught

Summer 2024 - MIIS, MIO First Session

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Course Description

What happens in a classroom with learners from a language learning perspective? What does it mean to be “proficient” in a language? In this fully asynchronous course, you will explore key theories that attempt to explain successful additional language learning and consider what you can do in the classroom to help create environments conducive to learning. Activities include readings, video viewing, discussion boards, peer collaboration, and small research explorations. By the end of the course, you will be able to articulate which theories are central to your teaching philosophy, analyze learner language production, and create lessons consistent with current theories of language learning. You will demonstrate your learning through an analysis of a textbook unit, noting which learning theories are exemplified in the unit and which activities you would incorporate into the unit to make it consistent with your beliefs about language teaching and learning. Those studying toward the online MA TESOL will need to complete this course in addition to the other seven core courses before enrolling in the two practicum courses.

Terms Taught

Spring 2025 - MIIS, MIO Second Session

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Areas of Interest

As a native of Korea, Dr. Heekyeong Lee’s research interests have been shaped by the challenges she experienced as a learner, a teacher, and a researcher in various multilingual and multicultural places around the world. Her research interests center on how to facilitate second/foreign language students’ literacy development by understanding various challenges the students and instructors face. Her specific interests focus on learner identity and agency, language teacher development, cultural humility, as well as socialization process of North Korean refugee students in South Korea. Her specific interests focus on learner identity and agency, language teacher development, cultural humility, as well as socialization process of North Korean refugee students in South Korea.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D. in Second Language Education, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
  • B.A. in English Language Education, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea 

Professor Lee has been teaching at the Institute since 2009.


  • Park, E. S., & Lee, H. (2022). “I want to keep my North Korean accent”: Agency and identity in a North Korean defector’s transnational experience of learning English. TESOL Quarterly, 56 (1), 19-40. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3016
  • Lee, H. (2021). Review of Second language writing instruction in global contexts: English language teacher preparation and development, by L. Seloni, & S. H. Lee. Journal of Second Language Writing, 54https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2021.100853
  • Lee, H. (2018). Role of the first language. In J. I. Liontas, M. DelliCarpini, & S. Abrar-ul-hassan (Eds.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (1st ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0654
  • Hedgcock, J. S., & Lee, H. (2017). An exploratory study of academic literacy socialization: Building genre awareness in a teacher education program. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 26, 17-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2017.01.004
  • Hedgcock, J. S., & Lee, H. (2017). Adjusting to contextual constraints: Methodological shifts in local research projects. In J. McKinley & H. Rose (Eds.), Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (pp. 61-71). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Brown, H.D., & Lee, H. (2015). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (4th ed.). White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.
  • Lee, H. (2013). Review of Language teaching research and language pedagogy, by Rod Ellis (2012), Studies of Second Language Acquisition, 35, 562-564.
  • Lee, H., & Maguire, M.H. (2011). International students and identity: Resisting dominant ways of writing and knowing in academe. In D. Starke-Meyerring, A. Paré, N. Artemeva, M. Horne, & L. Yousoubova (Eds.), Writing in knowledge societies (pp.351-370). West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse. R.
  • Lee, H. (2010). A sociocultural analysis of Korean siblings’ English literacy development. The Journal of the Research Institute of Korean Education, 27, 51-70.
  • Lee, H. (2007). Learner agency and identity in second language writing. ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 156, 109-128.
  • Lee, H. (2008). Korean students’ perceptions of identities and cultural capital. Sociolinguistic Studies, 1(1), 107-129. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.v1i1.107

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