Jamian Ronca Spadavecchia is managing director at Oxbow Advisory. Oxbow provides advisory, strategic risk intelligence, and cross-border compliance solutions that protect and enhance value creation. He cofounded Global Policy Link, now OxbowXchange, a Washington DC-based professional group bringing together diplomats, policymakers, and corporate leaders for monthly roundtable discussions around pressing global issues. He served as an external foreign/trade policy adviser to U.S. presidential (2016) and U.S. Senate (2012) campaigns. Jamian is an attorney and member of the bars of New York and New Jersey.

He is often called upon to share his insights, speaking at professional conferences and delivering guest lectures at the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University and The George Washington University School of Business, and annual Brigadoon gathering of global leaders and entrepreneurs. His analysis is featured in U.S. and global media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, Bloomberg Business, CNBC, The Australian, The China Post, and peer-reviewed publications such as The Journal of Political Risk. 

Jamian curates GeopolitixRisk Trackr, a weekly email newsletter tracking geopolitical risk and its bottom-line impact across global business, commerce + markets.

Areas of Interest

Professor Spadavecchia’s interests range widely cross the worlds of politics, public policy, law, and business. He has a keen interest in global markets and business intersections around risk, public policy, governments, technology and commerce.


Academic Degrees

  • MA in International Policy Studies (specialization in Asian Studies), Monterey Institute of International Studies

Professor Spadavecchia has been teaching at the Institute since 2016.