Rogers Walker
Kinnoull House C213
(831) 647-4186

Rogers is passionate about using creativity and innovation to increase opportunities to learn for students in higher education settings. He has extensive experience working with English language learners to help them improve their language skills and prepare for success in college, university, and the workforce. This experience has included time spent working as an English language instructor at several postsecondary institutions. In addition, he has served as an associate director and director of English language programs in the U.S. He also has helped develop and implement innovative short-term English programs as well as teacher training programs.

Rogers’s primary research interests include academic English pedagogy and the integration of students into postsecondary settings. Furthermore, he is passionate about creative writing and has published poetry and creative non-fiction pieces.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from George Washington University, a Master of Arts degree in Applied Linguistics from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a Doctor of Educational Leadership degree from Johns Hopkins University.

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