MIIS CySec Offers Unique Holistic Approach to Cyber Policy Education
The relatively young Cyber Security Initiative (MIIS CySec) at the Middlebury Institute has already set itself apart by its holistic approach to cyber policy issues. Recognizing the range and depth of these topics, MIIS CySec extends its training and expertise to courses offered in all degree programs at the Institute. Whether students are gaining expertise in language and linguistics, business, development or security-related topics, they have the opportunity to benefit from this unique effort led by one of the leading experts in this field, Dr. Itamara Lochard.
MIIS CySec has among its goals to increase education and research as well as leveraging partnerships to address the plethora of issues in the field. It has also begun creating an extensive network to better understand cyber issues from various perspectives in order to best address global, borderless and interdisciplinary issues in cyber policy. That includes participating in international partnerships, events and projects.
For instance, in December, MIIS CySec Director Lochard spoke at the NATO Science for Peace effort for the Balkans co-hosted by the NATO Center of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism (CoE-DAT) and MIIS CySec partner, the Macedonian Military Academy Mihailo Apostolski. Papers from this Advanced Training Workshop on “Terrorists’ Use of Cyberspace” will be published by NATO. Dr. Lochard says MIIS CySec was delighted to assist in the planning of this event, which is a continuation of efforts she launched in 2009 with the creation of the Terrorists’ Use of Cyberspace for the NATO Center of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism. MIIS was the only U.S. academic institution represented.
To learn more about MIIS CySec visit their website.
For More Information
Jason Warburg
Eva Gudbergsdottir