New Online MS in Cybersecurity Prepares Students to Lead in a Fast-Changing Field
| by Sierra Abukins
The cybersecurity industry needs lifelong learners who bring a mix of hard and soft skills to tackle emerging challenges.
26 Items
| by Sierra Abukins
The cybersecurity industry needs lifelong learners who bring a mix of hard and soft skills to tackle emerging challenges.
| by Caitlin Fillmore
For the first time, the Institute fielded not one, but three teams, two of which reached the semifinals of the competitive international Cyber 9/12 cybersecurity competitions.
| by Mark Anderson
Students had to think quick in a scenario-based competition responding to an airport security hack involving a Russian oligarch.
| by Justin Fulcher
Dr. Allison Berke discusses Cyber Deterrence and Great Power Conflict.
The MIIS Cyber Collaborative and CSWG had the opportunity to host Dr. Ryan Maness for a riveting discussion on Cyber-enabled Information Strategy and Information Operations.
| by Cyber Collaborative
Soldatov and Borogan are independent investigative journalists and authors investigating Russian Cyber Activities
| by Emily Cipriani
A team of four students reached the semifinals of the Atlantic Council’s annual Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge.
| by Jason Warburg
Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies professor Philipp Bleek will serve as an expert on a forthcoming National Academy of Sciences study on assessing and improving strategies for countering the threat of WMD (weapons of mass destruction) terrorism.
| by Jessie Raymond
Winding down his tenure as the first head of New York City Cyber Command, Geoff Brown has taken a two-year part-time teaching position at the Institute.
| by Jason Warburg
The Middlebury Institute’s Faculty Excellence Award for 2020/21 has been awarded to Professor Philipp Bleek of the Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies program, who met the challenge of adapting his courses to the online learning environment with enthusiasm and innovation.