| by Cyber Collaborative

News Stories

Soldatov and Borogan
Soldatov and Borogan - authors and independent investigative journalists

On September 13th, the MIIS Cyber Collaborative had the opportunity to co-host Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan with the Monterey Initiative in Russian Studies and The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

Soldatov and Borogan presented a riveting discussion titled “Russian Cyberwarfare: Unpacking the Kremlin’s Capabilities”. Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan are Russian investigative journalists, co-founders and editors of Agentura.ru, a watchdog of the Russian secret services’ activities.  They have chronicled the Kremlin’s campaign to gain control of civil society and strengthen the governments police services under the pretext of extremism.


This discussion was eye-opening and very insightful.  Both Irina and Andrei are so passionate about this topic and have substantial knowledge about such an important topic to inform the current geopolitical inflection point.  We appreciate them taking the time to share their views with the MIIS Community.  
— J. Fulcher

Borogan and Soldatov provided a unique perspective of the Kremlin’s activities domestically and internationally.  Given the ongoing situation in Ukraine, they shared their views on Russian Cyber Activities and domestic media information campaigns as it relates to the conflict.  

Stay tuned for more exciting events hosted by the Cyber Collaborative.