| by Jarlath McGuckin

Campus Notes

Anatomy of a Podcast MSSR
Dr. Guillory breaks down how a podcast is made.

Professor Sean Guillory, host of the acclaimed SRB Podcast and digital scholarship curator in the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, featured four podcast pieces created by fellows of the Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (MSSR).

In the elective week preceding the start of MSSR 2020, nine MSSR fellows took part in a multi-day podcasting workshop with Dr. Guillory. The workshop covered the basics of podcasting, recording and scriptwriting as well as the art of interviewing. Fellows learned how to tell a story and make an effective argument using the medium of sound.

The following pieces were featured on SRB Podcast: “A Brief Conversation on Biculturalism” by Alexandra Diouk, “Remembering the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz Mission: 45 years of US-Russian Space Cooperation” by Lisa Becker, “The Great Russian Trash Crisis” by Seth Farkas, and “An Empty Pedestal: Ukraine after Leninopad” by Sabrina Beaver. Selected podcast pieces from the workshop will soon be available on the MSSR webpage.