CTEC's J-Term’s Mentorship Continues to Shine with Undergrads Presenting in DC
| by Ian Driscoll
As we enter a tumultuous election season, there is plenty to concern the researchers at our Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism (CTEC).
They recently published a series of insights highlighting key issues they are monitoring.
“It is not hyperbole to assert that the future of liberal democracy in America could be at stake in the upcoming election,” writes Matthew Kriner, director of strategy, partnerships, and intelligence.
The series highlights several trends:
“Election season is a time for action, to vote, campaign, and fundraise in support of one’s vision and values for one’s country and future,” writes Sarah Pollack, director of tech policy and strategy for CTEC. “But through the lens of these conspiracy theories and their weaponization, people can instead believe that the action they must take is a violent and countervailing one.”
| by Ian Driscoll
| by Mark C. Anderson
A multidisciplinary group of Institute students traveled to D.C. to present the AI tool they developed in the national finals of Invent2Prevent.
ABC News interviewed CTEC Research Fellow Amy Cooter on the second anniversary of the Capitol riots. Cooter embedded with a militia group during her graduate research work.