Ocean Climate Action Capitol Hill Lobby Day, Wednesday, April 14, 2021 (Virtual via Zoom)

More than 650 ocean advocates and concerned citizens have registered for the Ocean Climate Action (virtual) Capitol Hill Lobby Day on Wednesday, April 14th, 2021. Although it is now too late to sign up and participate on that day, the fight for climate action ocean health will continue, well past April 14th. Please sign up to join our mailing list, and we will keep you informed of actions over the course of the summer and into 2022.
About Ocean Climate Action (virtual) Lobby Day, April 14
In what is expected to be the largest ocean lobby in U.S. history, the Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP) coalition, with key supporters including Climate Envoy John Kerry, Climate Activist and Actor Jane Fonda, founder of the environmental justice movement Dr. Robert Bullard, Indigenous groups, industry and maritime leaders, environmentalists, social justice activists and youth will promote job-generating ocean solutions to the climate crisis, over two days of meetings, April 13th and 14th, 2021.
On Tuesday, April 13th, small group meetings with leaders of the new administration and federal agencies are being organized. Tuesday is “by invitation only.” There will be an opening/welcome event that is open to all. If you have an area of expertise or are a young person with a particular focus, please indicate that on the sign up form.
On Wednesday, April 14th, more than 650 people have registered, across 34 states, with 130+ meetings happening over the course of the day.
Online via Zoom
Administration & Agency meetings
(experts, small group meetings, by invitation only)
Online via Zoom
Welcome & Opening Remarks including: Dr. Sylvia Earle, Congressman Raúl Grijalva (AZ-D3), and Congressman Joe Neguse (CO-D2)
The public is welcome to join, even if not participating in Lobby Day.
Link to join: Ocean Climate Action (virtual) Lobby Day Welcome
Password: ClimateNow
Webinar ID: 955 2193 8273
To join by phone: US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923
Phone Passcode: 9122923737 (phone only, no attendee ID, press # to bypass)
International numbers available
Online via Zoom
State Delegates Lobbying Congress
(must sign up by Monday, April 12th to join)
Attendees will receive zoom link and final schedule from the “state leads.”
Online via Zoom
State Delegates Report Back, Music, & Celebration!
(open only to attendees and invited guests)
About Ocean Climate Action Lobby Day Priorities, on April 14th and Beyond:
- Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act, HR8632: This comprehensive bill includes protections for oceans, coasts, rivers and lake systems, while promoting sustainable job opportunities and renewable offshore energy. We seek passage in the House, and a companion bill in the Senate.
- Coastal Barriers Resources Act: This current law protects dunes, seagrass, coastlines, coral reefs, lake and river shores across 3.2 million acres of the U.S., saving lives, increasing wildlife habitat, and saving taxpayer money, but should be expanded to the west coast and all the vulnerable areas of the nation.
- Clean Ocean Energy: It’s time for expansion of federal leasing for offshore wind and federal investment into research and development of wave and tidal energy. We must address the rising temperatures on the planet affecting the oceans and all life on earth and move towards sustainable energy.
- Shoreline Restoration to Promote Climate Resilience: Storm intensity is increasing, and sea levels are rising, making storm surges and flooding more intense. We seek $10 billion in federal funding to create jobs building living shorelines and natural barriers for our coasts, ports, and along inland rivers and the Great Lakes. Nature-based solutions will save lives, save taxpayer money, and create wildlife habitat. It’s time to move post-disaster funding into pre-disaster planning.
Learn more about our Ocean Climate Action (virtual) Lobby Day Priorities here.

After Lobby Day
A healthy ocean and secure coastal communities are key components of a thriving blue economy, which can create high-quality jobs, assure equity and safeguard our nation from the impacts of climate change.
The non-partisan Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP) was developed over the past two years by hundreds of industry leaders, marine conservationists, academics, frontline communities, Indigenous communities, youth activists, and policymakers with Blue Frontier and the Center for the Blue Economy acting as convenors. It is intended as a template for federal laws and policies. The OCAP coalition is working around the clock to get new laws passed in Congress and to make sure federal agencies use their regulatory and budgetary power to support ocean and coastal environmental justice and climate action. HR 8632, the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act currently being introduced in the House of Representatives is a step in the right direction, and includes roughly 50% of our recommendations, but our coalition is working to make sure all of our key priorities are met including:
- Offshore renewable energy that supports communities and ecosystems
- A job-producing living shorelines coastal restoration industry
- Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
- The greening of our ports and shipping industry
- The 30x30 initiative to expand marine protected areas to 30% of federal waters.
Getting these items in concrete legislation is our goal for the April 14th (Virtual) Capitol Hill Day and well beyond.
Join some of the world’s top solution-oriented ocean leaders and marine grassroots activists, including Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau, Climate Envoy John Kerry, Dr. Robert Bullard, the father of the environmental justice movement, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Bill McKibben, Mr. Leon E. Panetta, Former Secretary of Defense, Mr. Frank Nutter, President, Reinsurance Association of America, Mr. Mark Magaña, Founding President & Chief Executive Officer, Green Latinos, and many others fighting for change.
Sign up to stay part of the Ocean Climate Action Movement
Contact help@oceanclimateaction2021.org or call 800-448-0729. More info on http://OceanClimateAction2021.org