Marie Butcher
(831) 647-4194

Professor Marie Butcher is the Program Head and lead professor in the program English for Academic and Professional Purposes. She specializes in assisting international students and non-native speakers of English with their oral and written proficiency in English.

Professor Butcher came to the Institute via the Custom Language Services (CLS) in 2002, offering customized language instruction to business professionals and diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Taiwan, Japan, and China. She has also taught specialized programs within the ESL Department, the CNS Visiting Fellows program, and the Critical Issues Forum at the Center for Non-Proliferation Studies.

Prior to becoming Assistant Professor at MIIS, she taught at Monterey Peninsula College for 20 years in the ESL, English and French Departments.

Professor Butcher also taught English abroad at the American Language Center in Marrakech, Morocco, and has led travel programs abroad to France & Italy, Kenya & Tanzania and Costa Rica.

Professor Butcher co-designed and co-led the experiential learning course, “Peace & the Sustainable Development Goals in Costa Rica in January, 2023, bringing MIIS students to the University for Peace in Costa Rica and in the field to learn about sustainable efforts in Costa Rica. Professor Butcher earned the Global Leadership Diploma from the University for Peace in 2023 and also facilitated a workshop at the Global Happiness Summit at the University for Peace in Costa Rica during the spring of 2023.

In addition to her role as Program Head of EAPP, Professor Butcher co-leads the monthly International Poetry Gathering and annual Poetry Week in April. She has invited notable poets nationally and locally to participate in these events and is herself a published poet. She has published poetry in anthologies, literary journals, online publications and other fora.

Professor Butcher co-leads the annual recognition of International Peace Day at MIIS and has been the recipient of multiple grants through the KWD Collaborative in Conflict-Transformation, bringing notable speakers to MIIS. She serves on the committee for the Jan Knippers Black Fund for the Protection of Human Rights Speakers Series.

Courses Taught

Course Description

This course provides students with strategies for improving their reading skills as well as understanding academic and professional rhetoric. Students will critique various texts and speeches, as well as create their own persuasive speeches and debates.

Terms Taught

Fall 2021 - MIIS, Fall 2022 - MIIS, Fall 2023 - MIIS

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Course Description

The aim of this course is to help you become a more seasoned writer, thinker, and communicator in the business world. In this course, you will analyze the rhetorical conventions of business discourse, learn strategies for tailoring your message to your audience, and revise your work in order to produce finely-tuned business documents such as letters, reports, and e-mail correspondence.

Terms Taught

Spring 2021 - MIIS, Spring 2022 - MIIS, Spring 2023 - MIIS

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Course Description

Terms Taught

Spring 2025 - MIIS, MIIS Second Half of Term

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Course Description

"Description is a course designed for international students to deepen their
intercultural communication competencies, while honing their writing and
presentation skills in English. Students will study intercultural competence theories
and explore the intersectional issues of race, religion, gender, language, as they
apply to cultural identity and social justice.
In addition to Intercultural theory, students will be introduced to “multiple
intelligences” (as defined by Howard Gardner), and consider multiple ways in which
we communicate and receive information. The course will allow students to
consider the complexities related to cultural identity and how to further hone their
intercultural communication skills in various contexts."

Terms Taught

Spring 2024 - MIIS

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Course Description

Terms Taught

Spring 2025 - MIIS, MIIS First Half of Term

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Course Description

This course is designed to equip you with the skills and confidence to deliver professional and articulate speeches in English. You will deliver informative, persuasive, panel, training, and commemorative presentations to prepare you for the wide range of speech styles you may encounter in your professions. Consistent practice, analysis of award-winning speeches, and detailed feedback on your performance will provide you with ample opportunity to improve your public speaking skills.

Terms Taught

Fall 2024 - MIIS

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Course Description

EAPP 8456 Advanced Rhetoric and Genre is a course designed to hone your research and writing skills in order to create fluid and interesting prose appropriate for the graduate level. The course is open to qualified international students. The content of the course will include a series of short essays, a genre presentation, and a final research paper that may be prepared in conjunction with another course.

The primary goals of this course are as follows:

• Developing critical reading skills,

• Learning how to correctly write and research an academic paper,

• Understanding how to blend sources without losing your own voice

• Introducing ways to document sources correctly using APA/Chicago format to avoid plagiarism,

• Understanding and implementing the characteristics of good writing into our own writing,

• Working on pre-writing skills such as brainstorming and outlining,

• Learning how to narrow and choose appropriate topics,

Terms Taught

Spring 2021 - MIIS, Spring 2022 - MIIS, Spring 2023 - MIIS, Spring 2024 - MIIS, Spring 2025 - MIIS

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Course Description

Terms Taught

Spring 2025 - MIIS, MIIS Second Half of Term

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Course Description

Navigating the Process: Advanced Strategies in Rewriting is a course in rewriting, editing and proofreading available to all qualified international students. The course concentrates on giving non-native speakers of English the necessary tools to edit their own writing. We will use short in- class writing and papers from other classes to sharpen our editing skills.

Students can expect to ...

- learn the strengths and weaknesses in their own writing;

- increase knowledge and understanding of academic English usage;

- enrich style and expression; punctuate correctly;

- write more cohesively (and coherently);

- use transitions more effectively;

- reduce redundancy;

- research and teach a grammar point;

- work in small groups;

- and give and receive written feedback.

Terms Taught

Fall 2021 - MIIS, Fall 2022 - MIIS, Fall 2023 - MIIS, Fall 2024 - MIIS

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Course Description

Costa Rica: The UN Sustainable Development Goals in Action

This course provides an immersive experience to explore Costa Rica’s Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting both their successes and challenges. Participants will engage with readings on Costa Rica’s development issues, other relevant materials, and embark on an exciting itinerary designed in partnership with the University for Peace in San José, Costa Rica, and MIIS. This journey will offer a deep understanding of the policies that have shaped Costa Rica’s development.

For those pursuing IPD credits, a 1,500-word policy brief on a topic of your choice, inspired by the program, will be required, along with reflections on the readings. Your professional presentation will be based on your policy brief. Students will also be exposed to the principles of Conflict Transformation and Intercultural Communication skills in the field.

For students pursuing 2 EAPP credits, a fewer number of readings and reflections will be required and the final presentation for the “showcase” will be optional. For those pursuing 4 EAPP credits, all readings, reflections, and the final presentation will be required. Students will be exposed to the principles of Conflict Transformation and Intercultural Communication skills in the field.

Students pursuing Spanish credits at the 200, 300, or 400 level, will draft a reflection in Spanish that covers the required readings and presentations by guest speakers during the onsite portion or the course in Costa Rica. Students will also present their experience when they return to the US. Students will also be asked to apply ICC and Conflict Transformation concepts and ideas in their reflection.

Terms Taught

Spring 2023 - MIIS

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Course Description

Costa Rica: The UN Sustainable Development Goals in Action

This course provides an immersive experience to explore Costa Rica’s Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting both their successes and challenges. Participants will engage with readings on Costa Rica’s development issues, other relevant materials, and embark on an exciting itinerary designed in partnership with the University for Peace in San José, Costa Rica, and MIIS. This journey will offer a deep understanding of the policies that have shaped Costa Rica’s development.

For those pursuing IPD credits, a 1,500-word policy brief on a topic of your choice, inspired by the program, will be required, along with reflections on the readings. Your professional presentation will be based on your policy brief. Students will also be exposed to the principles of Conflict Transformation and Intercultural Communication skills in the field.

For students pursuing 2 EAPP credits, a fewer number of readings and reflections will be required and the final presentation for the “showcase” will be optional. For those pursuing 4 EAPP credits, all readings, reflections, and the final presentation will be required. Students will be exposed to the principles of Conflict Transformation and Intercultural Communication skills in the field.

Students pursuing Spanish credits at the 200, 300, or 400 level, will draft a reflection in Spanish that covers the required readings and presentations by guest speakers during the onsite portion or the course in Costa Rica. Students will also present their experience when they return to the US. Students will also be asked to apply ICC and Conflict Transformation concepts and ideas in their reflection.

Terms Taught

Spring 2023 - MIIS

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Course Description

Costa Rica: The UN Sustainable Development Goals in Action

This course provides an immersive experience to explore Costa Rica’s Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting both their successes and challenges. Participants will engage with readings on Costa Rica’s development issues, other relevant materials, and embark on an exciting itinerary designed in partnership with the University for Peace in San José, Costa Rica, and MIIS. This journey will offer a deep understanding of the policies that have shaped Costa Rica’s development.

For those pursuing IPD credits, a 1,500-word policy brief on a topic of your choice, inspired by the program, will be required, along with reflections on the readings. Your professional presentation will be based on your policy brief. Students will also be exposed to the principles of Conflict Transformation and Intercultural Communication skills in the field.

For students pursuing 2 EAPP credits, a fewer number of readings and reflections will be required and the final presentation for the “showcase” will be optional. For those pursuing 4 EAPP credits, all readings, reflections, and the final presentation will be required. Students will be exposed to the principles of Conflict Transformation and Intercultural Communication skills in the field.

Students pursuing Spanish credits at the 200, 300, or 400 level, will draft a reflection in Spanish that covers the required readings and presentations by guest speakers during the onsite portion or the course in Costa Rica. Students will also present their experience when they return to the US. Students will also be asked to apply ICC and Conflict Transformation concepts and ideas in their reflection.

Terms Taught

Spring 2025 - MIIS, MIIS Winter/J Term only

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Course Description

The curriculum for the Peace & the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Action course will be focused on MIIS’ 3 pillars of peace & security, sustainability, language skills and intercultural communication as well as specific UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants will observe first-hand how different organizations are attending to challenges related to specified SDGs during on-site visits in Costa Rica. Students will collect in-situ data, conduct interviews, and compile their notes, journal entries for their final deliverable during the spring showcase. Students will research, discuss, and present on sustainable development through the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and SDG Knowledge Platform: ( Attention will be given to specific actions and initiatives that are working on specific SDGs. See the itinerary for SDGs to be covered during our immersive learning experience in Costa Rica. Students will benefit from direct contact with experts in the field of peace studies and sustainable development.

Visit for course application and travel information.

Terms Taught

Spring 2023 - MIIS

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Areas of Interest

  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), advanced research, writing, editing, critical thinking, and presentation skills
  • English grammar, rhetoric, composition, and vocabulary development
  • Critical thinking, content-based instruction, inter-cultural communication
  • Comparative literature, French, Spanish, linguistics, and poetry

Academic Degrees

  • MA in Comparative Literature, San Francisco State University, 1993
  • Global Leadership Diploma, University for Peace, Costa Rica, 2023
  • Project Zero & Certificate in Teaching for Understanding, Harvard University, 2006
  • California Teaching Credential in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Humanities, French & English,1994
  • BA in French Language & Literature, Colorado College, 1987

Professor Butcher has been teaching at the Institute since 2002.


● Co-authoring a journal article on the Monterey Model with LS colleagues from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (publication pending).

● Co-authored article with Rogers Walker on the intervention of peer review to enhance students’ writing performance & decrease anxiety; publication pending (CATESOL journal).

● Manuscript in progress “Cultivating Intercultural Communication Skills for 21st Century Challenges.” (publication pending)

● 7 C’s for Writing. (publication pending)

● Published poet: Multiple poems in Poet’s Choice (Summer 2023), “A World Flipped on its Head” published by Humans of the World (Feb 2022), poem selected for Dear Vaccine, edited by Naomi Shihab Nye, David Hassler, and Tyler Meier (Sept 2021), in Solo Novo 9: Words Under Words: The Tassajara Poets Paperback –2020

● Monterey Poetry Review (2020), Flor & Canto (2020), Porter Gulch Review (2011-2018),

● Author of the following manuscripts (publication pending): Becoming River: A collection of poetry dedicated to my father and daughter © Marie Boucher, 2023.

● Green Heart Works: Cultivating Sustainable, Heart-Centered Community (publication pending) © Marie Boucher, 2023.

● Public Poetry Readings: UCSC Arboretum, East Village Café, Cabrillo College, Monterey Peninsula College, Old Capitol Books, Curated Words, Pacific Grove, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Lit Crawl, SF, Dali Museum, Monterey; 2012-2023.

● Author of Women Readers: A Chronicle of women and their relationship to the Book. Book with photos and art reproduction © 2000 and Welcome to the World, Children’s book © Spring 1999.

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