Browse course samples and faculty profiles for English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP).

Sample Courses in EAPP

Debate and Critical Reading

Allows students to develop critical reading and thinking skills through the analysis of current controversial issues and the preparation and presentation of well substantiated arguments in different debate contexts. 

Business Correspondence

Helps hone students’ professional communication skills to be more concise, polite, and audience focused. Students analyze business documents and write polished business letters, email correspondence, proposals, and professional job search materials.

Advanced Rhetoric and Genre

Offers students an opportunity to sharpen their research and writing skills in multiple genres relevant to their disciplines. Students will compose a series of essays and presentations to include a final research paper or policy memo, which may be prepared in conjunction with another course.

Advanced Editing and Writing

Provides strategies to improve all phases of students’ writing from drafting to revising and editing. Students typically work on genres that are relevant to their respective disciplines.

Intercultural Competence and EAPP Communication Skills

Designed for students to deepen their intercultural communication competencies, while refining their writing and presentation skills in English. Students learn about intercultural competence theories and explore the intersectional issues of race, religion, gender, and language as they apply to cultural identity.


Marie Butcher

Assistant Professor; Program Head, English for Academic and Professional Purposes
