An annotated bibliography designed to amplify resources that represent diverse voices.
The Middlebury Institute Library, in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, is launching a project that aims to highlight resources that faculty, staff, and students can use to diversify the resources used in syllabi and personal study.
These resources can include:
- Books
- E-books
- Journal articles
- Web-based publications
- Films
- Other resources that you find useful
These resources do not need to be owned by the library to be featured, and submissions in any language are welcomed and encouraged.
This annotated bibliography will be publicly available through the library platform LibGuides. (See photo of example below)
We want this project to be a collaborative effort, wherein students, faculty, and staff can submit resources you have found using this form. You can choose to be credited for your findings at the time of submission. Please submit a short summary (2-3 sentences) of the resource you are submitting. Please note that if you don’t have time to write a short summary, we will write one for you, but you may not be credited for your findings.
We reserve the right to edit any submissions for accuracy or clarity. For questions about this project, please contact Lydia Gentry, Borrowing Services Manager (Middlebury Institute Library) at
A note on the term “bibliodiversity”: this term, originally bibliodiversidad, was first coined in Latin America in the 1990s as a way to describe the goals of equity in access to both published material and the ability to be published as an author. While the actual origin is somewhat unclear, a group of Chilean publishers have claimed authorship in the founding of the Editores independientes de Chile collective. More recently, the term has been used by independent book publishers to the same effect.