Next Application Deadline October 1 Get Info

Earn a Certificate in Nonproliferation Studies, a Certificate in Terrorism Studies, or a Certificate in Financial Crime Management in as little as one semester.

Certificate in Nonproliferation Studies

The Certificate in Nonproliferation Studies provides professional training in the control, reduction, and elimination of weapons of mass destruction. Students take courses, seminars, and workshops on nonproliferation taught by NPTS faculty and experts at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. The certificate requires a total of 20 credits and may be completed in one year or less.

Certificate in Terrorism Studies

The Certificate in Terrorism Studies provides professional training in the study of extremist groups—and states—that employ the tactic of terrorism. Students take courses, seminars, and workshops on terrorism taught by NPTS faculty experts. The certificate requires a total of 20 credits and may be completed in one year or less.

Financial Crime Management

The Financial Crime Management specialization is available to students in any Middlebury Institute degree program but can also be taken as a standalone certificate for individuals not enrolled in our programs. It addresses the growing market need for professionals to prevent and detect illicit finance and requires 16 credits. Students interested in the standalone certificate should enroll in the spring semester.