Ambassador Alan Wolff Facilitates Economic Diplomacy Training Workshop in Vietnam
At the request of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Alan Wolff, director of the Monterey Institute’s International Trade and Development Policy Initiative, recently participated in a workshop in economic diplomacy as a part of Vietnam’s push to accelerate foreign direct investment.
The March 29 – April 2 Economic Diplomacy Training Program workshop was organized by the Institute for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy (ITCD), and was facilitated by Monterey Institute visiting professors Geza Feketekuty (founder and president of ITCD) and Robert Rogowsky (director of ITCD), along with Ambassador Wolff. The Institute for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy was founded as an adjunct to the Monterey Institute’s International Trade Program.
Participants included ministry and provincial officials, representatives from Hanoi’s People Committee, the Foreign Investment Agency and Vietnam National University. These leaders are considered the catalysts for Vietnam’s future economic development and they were actively engaged during the five-day intensive course.
In addition to participating in the workshop, Ambassador Wolff took the opportunity while in Vietnam to meet with university and government officials to promote the Monterey Institute and explore student recruiting opportunities.
For More Information
Jason Warburg
Eva Gudbergsdottir