Japan’s Nuclear Crisis Puts Spotlight on CNS, MIIS Experts
Experts at the Monterey Institute of International Studies and its James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) have been in high demand by the local, national and international media in recent days as the earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear crisis in Japan have unfolded.
The national and international media have focused on the threat and potential effects of the meltdown at the crippled nuclear reactor in Northern Japan, quoting CNS experts in stories in TIME magazine, the New York Daily News and USA Today, and on Chicago public radio. An Associated Press story quoting CNS Deputy Director Leonard Spector was published widely nationally and internationally, and an op-ed piece by Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, director of CNS’s East Asia Nonproliferation Program, was published by the Kyodo News in Japan.
Locally, the Monterey County Herald interviewed faculty, staff and students with connections to Japan and promoted the panel on Japan held on campus on Friday, March 18. Local Fox affiliate KION News has also twice interviewed Professor Tsuneo Akaha, director of the Institute’s Center for East Asian Studies.
Faculty, students and staff at the Monterey Institute continue to raise funds to benefit the victims in Japan with the support of the campus community.
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- Environmental Policy and Management,
- Translation and Interpretation,
- TESOL and Teaching Foreign Language,
- Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies,
- Japan’s Nuclear Crisis Puts Spotlight on CNS, MIIS Experts,
- International Trade and Economic Diplomacy,
- James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies,
- Language Studies
For More Information
Jason Warburg
Eva Gudbergsdottir