Max Troyer Appointed to Grover M. Hermann Chair in International Business Management
| by Eva Gudbergsdottir
Max Troyer, chair of the Middlebury Institute’s Translation and Localization Management (TLM) degree program has been appointed the Grover M. Hermann Chair in International Business Management in recognition of his “outstanding scholarship and practice in the area of localization management.”
Troyer, who has been teaching at the Middlebury Institute since 2010, has led the TLM degree through a period of great growth and the successful launch of the Institute’s first fully online degree.
This endowed chair, created by an endowment from the Grover M. Hermann Foundation in 1983, is dedicated to assisting students in acquiring knowledge and experience in business and management practices and problems present in foreign cultures. Key ingredients in this educational process are acquiring fluency in two or more languages and the understanding of different cultures in a business context.
Jeffrey Dayton-Johnson, Dean of the Institute and Vice President of Academic Affairs said in his announcement that he hopes that by making this appointment to recognize and celebrate Troyer’s “outstanding scholarship and practice in the area of localization management,” and to encourage further development of his excellence in research and teaching in the service of the Middlebury Institute’s mission.
“I’m honored to receive this appointment,” shares Troyer and adds that he believes “the TLM program exemplifies the mission set forth by the Foundation in that we’re preparing our students for careers in which they will manage business processes designed to help businesses and organizations be more successful in the world market.”
For More Information
Eva Gudbergsdottir