Middlebury Institute to Guarantee Scholarship for All Returned Peace Corps Volunteers

The Middlebury Institute and Peace Corps have been partnering for over 20 years, and the connections between the two organizations run deep.
The Middlebury Institute campus in downtown Monterey includes a vibrant community of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers - around 100 faculty, staff, and students in any given year. “Returned Peace Corps Volunteers are ideal MIIS students – they are globally-curious, have field experience, and have hard skills they can draw on during classroom discussions and assignments,” shares Jill Stoffers, senior director of institutional partnerships. “Faculty are eager to have them in their classes.”
At this time of uncertainty, the Institute is offering several assurances to Returned Volunteers, including those whose service was interrupted because of the COVID 19 crisis:
- $10,000 annual scholarships for all Peace Corps volunteers who are admitted to the fall 2020 start term for any of our on-site master’s degree programs.
- We continue to guarantee $20,000 annual scholarships for Coverdell Fellows who are admitted to the fall 2020 start term for any of our on-site master’s degree programs.
- We continue to waive the $65 application fee for all Peace Corps volunteers.
“For more than 30 years we have partnered with Peace Corps and it makes sense now to up our offer,” Stoffers says and adds: “We hope the $10,000 guaranteed annual scholarship to any evacuated volunteer who enrolls this fall offers a glimmer of light as they decide their next steps. RPCVs are welcome here.”
Check out this online discussion series for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) and those interested in life after Peace Corps.
Those interested in supporting this effort can contribute to the MIIS Peace Corps Scholarship Fund. For a limited time, a generous alumna has agreed to match all gifts to the fund dollar-for-dollar up to $10,000! To make a tax-deductible gift, visit our online giving fund or contact Shirley Coly, director of Development at scoly@miis.edu.
For More Information
Eva Gudbergsdottir