David Helvarg
David Helvarg, Author and Executive Director, Blue Frontier

David Helvarg is an award-winning journalist who has spent decades writing about and advocating for the blue economy.

David is the founder and Executive Director of the Blue Frontier Campaign, from which he organizes the Blue Vision summits and the Peter Benchley Ocean Awards. He is currently working with the Center for the Blue Economy to ensure that the “blue” is represented in the Green New Deal. 

We are pleased to recognize our long relationship with David with a new title:  Center for the Blue Economy Senior Fellow.   Senior Fellows are scholars and practitioners whose work and mission aligns with our deep commitment to ocean health, sustainable coastal policy, and equitable long-term economic prosperity. 

Recently, Jason Scorse (Center for the Blue Economy Director) and Mr. Helvarg co-authored a paper entitled “Putting the Blue in the Green New Deal,”  outlining eight priorities for making the coasts more resilient and developing the “blue economy.”

We look forward to continuing our longstanding relationship with David Helvarg in his new role as CBE Senior Fellow.


For More Information

Read the Recent Paper:  Putting the Blue in the Green New Deal

Bio Profile:  David Helvarg