13 Items

  1. News Stories

    Environmental Policy Alum & Journalist Nick Rahaim Writes Story with Many Waves of Impact

    | by Rachel Christopherson

    MIIS Environmental Policy/Ocean and Coastal Resource Management Alum & Journalist Nick Rahaim (IEP OCRM “22) was honored by the Society of Environmental Journalists for his 2022 piece in Hakai Magazine: “Clever Whales and the Violent Fight for Fish on the Line: As a commercial fisher, I’ve watched colleagues shoot at whales looting from their lines. Here’s why everyone loses when that happens.”  Now two years later, an Alaska fishing captain has been held accountable for a similar crime. 

  2. People

    Historic Logbooks & Adventures at Sea

    | by Rachel Christopherson

    The Middlebury Institute attracts amazing faculty and students, and affords amazing opportunities.  This spring and summer, MIIS students became published authors, filled a missing gap in historic scientific knowledge, and sailed the open seas.

  3. News Stories

    CBE Waves Newsletter December 2021

    | by Rachel Christopherson

    Stories include:  New reports from the Center for the Blue Economy on the Economic Value of America’s Estuaries and Recreation on the California Coast; Contributions to the Economist Group’s World Ocean Initiative, Wilson Center’s Transatlantic Blue Economy Initiative, COP26, WWF articles, NOAA publication Visualizing the Three-Dimensional Footprint of Ocean Uses, and Virtual Reality DIVE-An Inspiring Journey through California’s Marine Protected Areas; CBE Celebrates its Ten Year Anniversary.