55 Items

  1. Explainer: What is the blue economy?

    | by Emma Bryce in China Dialogue-Ocean

    Dr. Jason Scorse, Director of the Center for the Blue Economy at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, is quoted in this article.  He emphasizes that the blue economy as a concept must adopt a sustainability-focus by definition, rather than being co-opted into the historical extract-consume-discard model. 

  2. News Stories

    Want to fight Russian aggression in Ukraine and beyond? Decarbonize

    | by Jason Scorse; David Helvarg

    Center for the Blue Economy Director Jason Scorse and partner organization Blue Frontier’s Director David Helvarg wrote this timely and impacting piece in the San Francisco Chronicle.  “Rapidly transitioning the U.S. and global economies to renewable energy would not only weaken our foes, it will also save millions of lives while strengthening our national security and protecting our common future,” the authors write.

  3. News Stories

    CBE Waves Newsletter January 2022

    | by Rachel Christopherson

    Stories include:  The Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary Needs Your Support; The Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, Volume 8, Issue 2, published; The Middlebury Climate Change Semester: Inaugural Program Begins; The Ocean Needs Our Help-Now.

  4. News Stories

    We can save our coasts with a $10 billion investment

    | by David Helvarg & Daniel Hayden in the Hill

    Ten billion dollars in funding to restore beach dunes and dune grass, salt marshes and estuaries, oyster and coral reefs may seem unrelated to the rebuilding of America’s crumbling roads, bridges and sewer plants. But restoring and expanding natural coastal barriers — or living infrastructure — is actually a practical cost-effective way of reducing the growing impacts of sea-level rise, intensified storms and “sunny-day flooding” associated with the rapidly worsening climate emergency. And those impacts will be devastating to the U.S. economy if we don’t act now. While vulnerable coastal counties comprise less than 10 percent of the nation’s landmass, they generate 46 percent of its GDP.