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An Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) mural in North Belfast, Northern Ireland, on Oct. 19, 2019.
An Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) mural in North Belfast, Northern Ireland, on Oct. 19, 2019. (Credit: Paul Faith/AFP/Getty Images )

CTEC Director and Middlebury Institute professor Jason Blazakis recently penned an op-ed on splinter groups in Northern Ireland that have a new political edge due to Brexit, giving terrorist groups that were once considered dormant the opportunity to rise again.

Professor Blazakis goes on to clarify:
“When Northern Ireland voted by a slight majority for Remain in the 2016 referendum on whether the UK should leave the EU, nationalist politicians across Ireland used the result to push for a referendum on Irish unity. There were fears that the possible construction of physical infrastructure along the border after Brexit could antagonize republican paramilitaries and rekindle their campaigns of violence.”

To read the full op-ed click here.

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