CTEC attends Public Safety Canada's MegaWeek
| by Ian Driscoll
18 Items
| by Ian Driscoll
| by Ian Driscoll
What happens when extremism intersects with democratic elections? In an age of mis-, dis-, and malinformation, the role of the free press is more important than ever. Join us for an online event with three of the most prominent journalists covering extremism for the former Vice News about their challenges and best practices, hosted by CTEC’s J.M. Berger. Featuring former Vice News journalists: Anna Merlan, Mack Lamourex, and Tess Owen.
| by Ian Driscoll
| by Mark C. Anderson
A multidisciplinary group of Institute students traveled to D.C. to present the AI tool they developed in the national finals of Invent2Prevent.
| by CTEC
Students representing the Institute have advanced to the finals of Invent2Prevent, a national competition where students build solutions that combat hate, bias, and extremism.
| by CTEC Staff
Video| by Stephen Diehl and Andrew Cassel
Alex Newhouse, deputy director of the Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism (CTEC), says the not-guilty verdicts of Kyle Rittenhouse could energize far right extremists who view him as a hero.