Poster session
Students share their projects on conflict transformation in a poster session.

Presentations and discussions featuring the Conflict Transformation Fellows showcasing their work.


Use the links below to watch recordings from past events below:

In-person Fellows’ Projects



Project Title/Topic

Elisabeth Ampthor

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Peace Begins Within (the Language Classroom): Reflections and Classroom Activities to Build Peace through English Language Learning

Chia Aygoda

International Policy and Development

Title TBD

Sherlin Benjamin

International Environmental Policy

Conflict Transformation in the Mekong

Eleanor Bent

International Environmental Policy

Stakeholder Involvement in PSSA Designation on the High Seas: A Case Study on the Thermal Dome 

Justin Bigelow

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

Avoiding the Star Wars: Conflict and Cooperation Between Great Powers in Space

Drake Bjorkman

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

Title TBD

Jesus Cabrera Solorio

Translation/Interpretation and Localization Management 

Dreamers or Dreaming?

Alfonso Camacho Martinez


Exploring the Boundaries of Civil War

Landry Dohou Bi

International Policy and Development

The Transformative Role of People Living with Disabilities in Peacebuilding

Kevin Heller

International Environmental Policy 

Green Diplomacy: Empowering Youth in Global Conflict Transformation through Environmental Education

Syed Ali Zia Jaffery 


Healing Broken Relationships Through Empathy: Transforming Conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan 

Adiba Juya

International Policy and Development

Analyzing Conflict, Policy Changes, and Economic Impact: Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan Post-15th August 2021

Yuxuan Lai

Translation and Localization Management

Designing an AI-powered mobile application that enables bi-directional ASL interpreting

Stian Lothe

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

Peace in the Digital Neighborhood: Tactics for Neutralizing Polarization and Misinformation in Local Community Facebook Networks

Libby Mohn

International Environmental Policy

High seas marine protected area implementation under the BBNJ Treaty: Lessons learnt from large-scale MPAs

Jenny Moss

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

Reflections on a [Simulated] NPT PrepCom and What it Spells for Diplomacy in Nonproliferation

Felix Naim

Public Administration/International Trade

Disinformation and the U.S.-China Relationship

Yanliang Pan

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

AI-powered nonproliferation education tool

Phantitra Phuphaphantakarn

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

Strategic Empathy and Arms Control: Conversation with China 

Ola Pozor

International Policy and Development

Feet on the Ground and Seats at the Table: Female-Led Civil Society Organizations in Eastern Europe as catalysts for greater Female Representation in Official Peace Negotiations

Srichchha Pradhan


Title TBD

Shahneela Tariq

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

Breaking Barriers and Building Capacities: The Importance of Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs for Women in Nuclear Security

Vanessa Wang

Translation and Localization Management

An Investigation on Gender Expectations in Translation and Localization

Yan Xu

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

World Englishes and Linguistic Tolerance

Online Fellows’ Projects



Project Title/Topic

Gabe Albright

International Environmental Policy

Intercultural Competency Frameworks for Conservation Organizations

Sophie Auvin

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Bilingual Quechua-Spanish Classrooms as Spaces of Conflict Transformation in Peru

Marion Ayer

Public Administration/International Policy and Development

Community Resilience and Resistance in Mekong Conservation Efforts 

Beth Daviess

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

Use of AI in Bystander CVE Interventions 

Phoebe Jones 

International Policy and Development

Reflections on Moral Injury as a Methodological Tool for Qualitative Analysis

Greyton Kegler

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies

Counterproliferation and Protection of Scientists

Kunal Krishn

Translation and Localization Management


Sharon Leigg

International Education Management

Risk and Resilience–A  Look at Personal Conflict in Today’s Secondary Students and the Use of Language, Literature, and Creative Writing to Bring About Conflict Transformation from Despair to Peace with Less Violence

Isobel McPhee


Seeking Safe Pathways to Resettlement : Examining Private Sponsorship Pathways in France and the U.S.

Andi Regalbuto

International Education Management

Collective Memory for Greater Cross Cultural Understanding

Abby Schneiderhan

International Policy and Development

Multilingualism and Cultural Conflict in Morocco

Diego Tabilo

International Environmental Policy

Deep sea mining: exploring a complex problem within the green energy transition