| by Sierra Abukins

Campus Notes

Above and Beyond Winners 2024
(Credit: Loraine Ruiz-Vera )

There are plenty of people you can generally count on – and then there are those who go the extra mile.

Four staff members, Angie Quesenberry, Winnie Heh, Muchadei Zvoma and Joelle Mellon, were honored with the 2023 Above and Beyond Award, recognizing their exceptional dedication to the Middlebury Institute and its mission.

The four all play very different roles across the Institute and shine in their respective areas.

Established in 2006, the awards recognize staff members who go above and beyond normal duties of their position. Towards the end of each year, faculty and staff nominate staff members who follow the criteria of consistently providing outstanding customer service, are willing to perform tasks outside of their normal job duties as needed, work to innovate and streamline processes, and are considered the go-to person in their area.

Winnie Heh

Career Advisor: Translation, Translation and Interpretation, Conference Interpretation, Translation and Localization Management (In-Person, Online, and Joint)

Winnie is an incredible resource to students who seek out her insights and expertise as a former executive at a $1.5-billion company and appreciate the valuable connections she helps them make to launch their careers. 

Involved in volunteer and leadership roles at many internal and external organizations, Winnie is also highly respected in the language services industry. 

“Every year, I hear literally dozens of unsolicited positive comments from students about Winnie Heh.” - Nomination

Joelle Mellon

Research & Instruction Librarian

Joelle has cultivated a lively community environment centered on gaming and play, with an outsized presence in MiCommunity, where she shares helpful tips and resources about living in the Monterey area as well as announcements about regular gaming nights. This includes coordinating a community partnership with the Monterey City library to run informal makerspace workshops with their 3D printer.

“Kudos for this impactful, connective, and relational work.” - Nomination

Angie Quesenberry

Angie Quesenberry is now a three-time award-winner, providing crucial support to professors and students. Angie goes beyond the call of duty by consistently checking in and ensuring that faculty are well-equipped to perform their jobs efficiently. She is also the go-to person when confronted with specific issues, consistently providing timely and invaluable information.

“She is the glue that holds the academic side of MIIS together, consistently going above and beyond her formal duties as Dean’s Assistant, acting as an Operations Manager, ensuring that stakeholders have the information they need to be aware for for decision-making, catching all kinds of issues that would otherwise slip through the cracks.” - Nomination

Muchadei Zvoma

Senior Director of Global Recruiting and Marketing

Muchadei Zvoma has played a particularly crucial role this year in planning the Institute of the future and advancing our marketing and enrollment efforts. Over the last six months, he has taken on additional responsibility, moving into a supervisory role while continuing to execute his existing body of work. 

“Much has stepped in and stepped up…He is upbeat in the face of challenges and obstacles, rarely shows frustration, and moves quickly toward solutions.” - Nomination
