Bike Policy

This policy exists to protect your property, as bikes left on campus overnight or for more than just a few days can attract thieves to the campus.

  • You can register your bike so that Security has the model, make, color and serial number on file.  To register your bike use this form:
  • Bikes should not be left on campus overnight.
  • Bikes left on campus for more than 72 hours may be impounded by Security.
  • If a bike is impounded, the lock may need to be cut. Students will have to replace their lock at their own expense.
  • Impounded bikes will be placed into the Lost and Found. Students will need to come to the Security Office to claim their bike.

Guests in the Classroom Policy

Children:  Children are not permitted to attend or be present during MIIS classes unless they have the prior consent of the responsible faculty member.  Only in the event of an emergency and/or non-routine situation may an individual seek an exception to this policy.

Children are also not permitted in quiet study spaces, such as the Library, the Samson Center Reading Room, and the McGowan Lobby.  Children are permitted in common areas, such as the Samson Center Dining Room, the Holland Center, and the garden, as long as they are supervised by a Middlebury Institute parent or guardian. 

Other guests:  Middlebury Institute faculty members have the authority to decide if guests may be allowed in the classroom.

When making such a determination, the faculty member will consider issues of safety, the impact on other students, and may consider the appropriateness of course content in making such decisions. If not already prohibited in the course syllabus, the request for an exception must be made to the responsible faculty member prior to bringing any guest into the classroom.

In the event permission is granted by the faculty member to bring a guest to a classroom, it is the responsibility of the guest’s sponsor/host to make sure the guests do not disrupt the educational environment of the class. If the guests do cause a disruption, the faculty member shall request or insist that the guest(s) leave or be removed from the classroom.

Pets in the Classroom Policy

Pets are not allowed on campus, except when it is a service animal

Visitor Use Policies (Samson Student Center, Holland Center, and Library)

  • Keep guests and visitors to a minimum: a maximum of three to five guests per person are allowed during operational hours.
  • Notify Campus Security whenever a suspicious person or non-Institute student is utilizing campus facilities. (Security can be reached by picking up a nearby blue campus phone or by dialing 647-4153 or simply extension 4153 from an Institute phone.) When Campus Security arrives, the non-Institute personnel should be identified to them and then Security will approach the individual(s) and verify status and, if appropriate, ask them to depart.
  • Carry a current Institute ID card when using campus facilities.

Security Responsibilities

  • Walk through the Samson Student Center, Holland Center, Library, and other appropriate areas on a regular basis during operational hours.
  • Perform ID checks when requested by a member of the Institute community (students, staff, faculty, and alumni).
  • Upon identification of the visitor not accompanied by a member of the Institute community, inform the visitor of the policy and request that they vacate the premises immediately.
  • Escort visitor(s) who refuse to leave off campus.
  • Locate and open additional facilities for studying or other quiet academic related activities when requested by staff, students, alumni, or other appropriate members of the Institute community.

Students Responsibilities

  • Respect the individual purposes for each area and follow appropriate guidelines regarding noise, usage, and reserving spaces.
  • Refrain from hosting more than 3-5 people.
  • Refrain from behaving in a manner that is disruptive or offensive to others in the facility.
  • Behave in the manner that they wish to be treated.

Smoking Policy

In order to promote a healthful environment, smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings. This includes porches, balconies, decks, or any part of the building structure. E-cigarette smoking is also prohibited in campus buildings. Failure to observe this policy will be treated as a fire safety violation and subject to Institute discipline and fines as appropriate.

On-Campus Student Parking

All students with cars who live beyond a 1.5 mile radius of the Institute may obtain an on-campus student parking permit after you have paid all school fees for the current semester. Student parking permits will be issued at the Security Office. A copy of your car registration form, your Institute library/ID card, your automobile registration card, and proof of insurance are required.

Parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The student parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. Students should not park in any other campus lot prior to 4 pm on weekdays. However, they may use any lot on campus—with or without a permit—after 4 pm on weekdays, anytime on weekends, and holidays.

For more information on parking, see Campus Security.