Last updated February 2025

Respect for Persons

All students, as members of the MIIS community, are expected to respect the dignity, freedom, and rights of others.  

MIIS prohibits the use of violence against any individual, including dating misconduct, the negligent or reckless use of physical force, as well as the incitement or provocation to violence.  MIIS also prohibits conduct that may reasonably be expected to exploit or coerce, including sexual exploitation, and/or domestic/dating misconduct.  Sexual exploitation occurs when a person takes sexual advantage of another person for the benefit of anyone other than that other person without that other person’s consent, such as recording video or audio of someone’s sexual activity, intimate body parts or nudity, without that person’s consent.  Domestic or dating misconduct is threatening or coercive behavior that does not involve violence but occurs in a domestic or dating relationship. 

In addition, students may not engage in behavior that prevents someone’s ability to communicate or move freely, behavior that violates someone’s privacy, entering someone’s room or office without authorization or invitation, or stalking. Stalking is defined as two or more acts that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others, OR to suffer substantial emotional distress.  Stalking can include non-consensual communication in any manner; pursuing, waiting or showing up uninvited in places frequented by the person; surveillance or voyeurism, trespassing, vandalism, non-consensual touching, threats, threats to harm oneself, and use of a third party to accomplish any of these actions.  

Finally, behavior that violates common standards of decency, fails to comply with local laws or statutes, or demonstrates contempt for the generally accepted values of the intellectual community is prohibited.

Communicating with Honesty and Integrity

We expect students to manifest integrity and honesty in all decisions and actions. Therefore, providing information to any member of the Institute staff or faculty that an individual knows or reasonably should know is false or misleading is prohibited.

Respect for MIIS’ Educational Function

Any disruption of MIIS’s educational function is prohibited.

Respect for the Authority of Officials

MIIS depends on employees and agents to advance the educational mission of the institution. These employees and agents include but are not limited to faculty members; deans; administrative, custodial, and library staff; Campus Security officers and their equivalents; and other individuals such as members of the police and ambulance forces, service providers, and security staff. All students are expected to respect the authority of these individuals when they are executing their responsibilities for MIIS.  Students are expected to cooperate fully in the disciplinary process and any student, whether a party or a witness, who refuses to cooperate may be subject to discipline. Failure to comply with requests from MIIS officials will subject a student to disciplinary sanctions.  Students are expected to identify themselves by showing their MIIS student identification card upon request of MIIS officials.

Respect for Property

MIIS’ educational mission depends on careful stewardship of our shared resources, including campus buildings, land, and other property, and of the property of members of our community. Theft, vandalism, and property damage are prohibited. Unauthorized use of services and materials, and disposition of property to another under the pretense that it is one’s own, are forms of theft.  Sanctions will include restitution or replacement and may also include disciplinary sanctions. When such theft or damage constitutes a criminal offense, it will ordinarily be reported to law enforcement authorities.