The Center for the Blue Economy provides free, open-access data and analysis on ocean-related economic activities and resource trends to assist with policy, management, and investment decisions for a wide spectrum of actors.
CBE Publications
Read our research and policy papers
The Center produces original research (research papers/publications) and analysis (working papers/white papers) to inform sound and sustainable ocean and coastal resource management. We also make our newsletters, op-eds, and presentations easily accessible on the CBE Digital Commons platform.
Current CBE Research
Find out what we are working on now
Our research focuses primarily on two areas—the “Blue Economy” as an organizing framework for deriving wealth from the oceans on a sustainable basis and the economics of climate change adaptation in coastal regions. Our project partners as well as Graduate Research Assistants are vital to helping us complete our work.
Ocean Economics Data Center
Find out what the Blue Economy contributes to your city, state or region
The National Ocean Economics Program is a central part of the Center for the Blue Economy’s commitment to accessible and useful data for the public good. The National Ocean Economics Program website has attracted thousands of users from all sectors of the economy, and nations around the world. It offers the most current and accurate time series economic data on trends along the U.S. coast, Great Lakes, and U.S. coastal waters. It is also a public source of information for ocean natural resource production and values, ports, cargo and shipping, federal ocean expenditures, and, most recently, data on the emerging Arctic economy, mariculture, and offshore renewable energy.
The Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics
Discover innovative research from around the world
The Center’s Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics is the first peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal that publishes research on the theory and practice of economics as applied to ocean and coastal resources broadly (rather than focusing on one specific aspect, such as fisheries). With a distinguished editorial board and its open review process, the journal is pushing the field toward innovation and helps to foster an international community of researchers and practitioners.