In the News: FBI informant testifies at Proud Boys sedition trial—for the defense

The use of government informants has recently taken the spotlight as legal proceedings continue against Proud Boys members in the January 6 violence at the Capitol.
The Washington Post noted that one of the FBI informants was, in fact, testifying for the defense.
Senior Research Fellow Amy Cooter, who studies domestic terror organizations for the Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism (CTEC), says that the public’s views on use of paid informants has evolved over the years. Until recently, people have been skeptical of using informants, even viewing the practice as entrapment, Cooter says. But that opinion shows signs of changing, she told the Post.
“It does seem like more people are aware of the threats that can come from groups like this and perhaps are more willing to overlook some of those glitches, let’s call them, in the interest of thinking about the bigger picture of safety,” Cooter said.
Read the full article here.