President Laurie Patton and Pamela Jungerberg talking
President Laurie Patton and former Acquisitions Librarian Pamela Jungerberg talking during an Authors Hour event in 2017.

Print Collection

The print collection of books authored, edited, and/or translated by Middlebury Institute faculty and staff is available on the second floor of the library. This collection can be browsed online using the library catalog and using the “Author” tab to search by author’s last name.

Middlebury Institutional Repository

Middlebury College and Institute Libraries provide an Open Access Institutional Repository, which includes access to publications and research by Middlebury Institute faculty and research staff. Contributed items are submitted in accordance with the policies of Middlebury, individual departments and programs, or external funding agencies and in compliance with publisher copyright and open access policies.

To find out more about the repository or how to add your own work, check out the Middlebury Institutional Repository Guide.

Published Work from Our Centers

For additional published work from the Middlebury Institute community, open access writings and scholarship can be found from most of our Centers and Initiatives. 

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies

Center for the Blue Economy

Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism 

Looking for more? 

Contact the library with any specific questions by emailing