Next Application Deadline April 1 Apply Now

Our online TESOL faculty are both dedicated teachers and active professionals in their fields.

In addition to their academic expertise, our faculty have experience in organizations such as the TESOL International Association, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), and the International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF).

They are experts in language education, curriculum development, language assessment, applied linguistics research, and language program administration in diverse settings (e.g., ESL, EFL, English for academic purposes, foreign language teaching, content-based language teaching). Several act as consultants to think tanks, international organizations, educational organizations, and universities involved in language education. They are dedicated to modeling effective pedagogy in their own teaching and actively engaged as academic and professional mentors to students and alumni.

Regular Faculty

Netta Avineri

Professor TESOL/TFL, Intercultural Competence Committee Chair, Collaborative in Conflict Transformation Graduate Training in Research Pillar Lead

400 Pacific Street E200

Renée Jourdenais


400 Pacific Street E201

Heekyeong Lee


McCone Building M109

Jason Martel

Professor; Program Chair, TESOL and Teaching Foreign Language

400 Pacific Street D205

Thor Sawin


207 Sunderland Hall, Middlebury College

Faculty Emeriti

Kathi Bailey

Professor Emerita