In the News, People

Avner Cohen
Middlebury Institute Professor Avner Cohen provides insight into Iran’s nuclear potential.

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies professor Dr. Avner Cohen recently published an article in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz analyzing Iran’s nuclear potential.

Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies professor Dr. Avner Cohen recently published an article in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz analyzing Iran’s nuclear potential. Published October 11, 2021, Cohen’s article refutes fatalist claims that Iran is close to becoming a nuclear threshold state.

After a U.S. think tank claimed that the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 enabled Iran to approach nuclear capability, members of Israeli leadership expressed concern that Iran’s nuclear potential has reached the point of no return. Cohen, however, argues that Iran is not even months away from reaching nuclear threshold status due to political attention and technical constraints. Cohen also articulates that the damage caused by the U.S. abandonment of the nuclear deal is not irreversible. Potential solutions include negotiations to form a new agreement with diplomatic, economic, and other deterrents as well as bargaining to create an amended nuclear agreement to reverse Iran’s nuclear progress.

Read the full article.

  • In the NewsPeople

    Warning on Domestic Terrorism

    Professor Jason Blazakis, director of the Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism, recently wrote a piece for the Washington Post warning that the next 9/11-scale event in the United States is likely to stem from domestic terrorism.

  • In the News

    The Power of Open-Source Intelligence

    The Economist recently explored how open-source intelligence (OSINT) can challenge governments’ monopolies on information, with insight from Middlebury Institute professor Jeffrey Lewis of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. The article is behind a paywall but you can watch a video interview we conducted with Jeffrey Lewis on OSINT.


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