You may find these resources helpful before you start your Arabic language courses.

If you are participating in a summer Arabic program before your degree starts, please note that this will not guarantee your placement into the language courses that may be required as part of your degree program. To maximize your summer experience, it is in your best interest to start early and be well prepared for the intensive summer learning environment. Arabic study requires knowledge of a new sound and letter system, which can be challenging to beginning students. Previewing the basics of Arabic before you get to your summer program will give you a head start and help you move more fluidly through the course.

We strongly encourage summer Arabic program candidates to prepare and go over the lessons below but this preview is recommended, not mandatory.

Course Text

Brustad, Kristen, Mahmoud Al-Batal and Abbas Al-Tonsi: Alif Baa with DVDs; Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds. Georgetown University Press, 2010 (Third Edition)

While the textbook will serve as a general guide to our course structure, we will NOT be following it verbatim. Many adaptations will be made as follows:

  • Parts of the book will be reinforced with outside materials, tasks, and activities.
  • Portions of the book will be skipped completely and replaced with other materials and activities.
  • Additional themes will be introduced to supplement those in the text. Alternate/supplemental vocabulary and listening exercises may be assigned as homework.

Recommended Preview

Unit Exercise

All writing exercises of Unit 2 found between pp. 21 – 38

Drill 1 p. 21

Drill 2 p. 27

Listening exercise 5 p 28

Drill 3 p. 29

Drill 4 p. 31


Listening exercise 9 p. 35

Drill 10 p. 38

Drill 12 p. 39

All writing exercises of Unit 3 found between pp. 47 – 55


Listening exercise 2 p. 49

Drill 2  p. 51

Drill 4  p. 52

Drills 5, 6  p. 53

Listening exercise 4 p. 54

Drill 9 p. 58


All writing exercises found between pp. 69 – 83

Listening exercise 4 p. 69

Drill 3 p. 70

Listening exercise 6 p. 79

Drills 6, 7 p. 79

Drill 8 p. 80

Drill 10 p. 85

Drills 13, 15 p. 87


All writing exercises found between pp. 94 – 108

Drill 1   p. 93

Drill 3   p. 95

Drill 4   p. 98

Listening exercises 6, 7 p 102

Drill 7   p. 103

Drill 8 p. 105

Drill 11   p. 106

Drill 16   p. 111


All writing exercises found between pp. 119 – 135

Listening exercise 4 p. 121

Drills 2, 3   p. 121

Drill 4 p. 124

Listening exercises 6, 7 p. 125

Drill 7  p. 125

Listening exercise 8 p. 127

Drill 9   p. 128

Drill 13   p. 131


Listening exercise 10 p. 133

Drill 14   p. 134

Drill 16   p. 136

Listening exercises 11, 12 p. 137

Drills 20 p. 140

Drills 22   p. 142


All writing exercises found between pp. 146 -159

Listening exercises 2, 3 p. 149

Drill 2   p. 149

Listening exercise 5 p. 152

Drill 10   p. 161

Drill 13 p. 164


All writing exercises of Unit 8 found between pp. 170- 186

Listening exercise  3 p. 176

Listening exercise  4 p. 178

Drill 3 p. 179

Drill 5 p. 180

Drill 8 p. 187


Listening exercise 2 p. 195

Drill 1 p. 196

Drill 5 p. 198

Drill 7 p. 201

Drill 9 p. 203

Drill 12 p. 205


Listening 1   p. 212

Listening 3   p. 216

Listening 5 p. 219